apt命令告诉你在 update 命令结束时可以升级多少个软件包: The apt command shows the number of upgradable packages at the bottom of the apt update command output 要查看可以升级的软件包,请运行以下命令: apt list --upgradable 你应该看到这样的输出: ~$ apt list --upgradable Listing... Done apparmor/...
launch the application and click onOriginin the bottom left-hand side of its window. Next, select the repository for which you want to list all available packages(both installed and available for installation)from the list that's displayed in the left-hand side of Synaptic Package Manager. ...
Let’s start using the “apt” tool to list all the packages that have already been installed on our Ubuntu 20.04 system in our terminal shell. For that, you need to use the list command with the “installed” flag on the shell preceded by the “apt” tool in the command. After runni...
Just installed Debian and looking for ways to list all available packages using apt. After some search, i found that you can use apt-cache to list all available packages in debian. To list all available packages from apt, follow the steps below:- Advertisements # this will list all packag...
1. List the installed software packages on Ubuntu First of all,connect to your Linux server via SSH. To list the installed software packages on your machine you can use the following command: sudo apt list --installed The output of the command will be very similar to the following one, de...
Upgrade all packages 如果你确定要升级所有软件包,则可以通过在命令中添加-y来跳过 “Do you want to continue” 部分。 sudo apt upgrade -y 模拟升级(但不升级任何包) 这是人们在apt list命令之前所做的。使用模拟选项,你实际上不会进行任何更改。它仅显示运行升级时将安装或升级的软件包。
Most used commands: list - list packages based on package names search - search in package descriptions show - show package details install - install packages reinstall - reinstall packages remove - remove packages autoremove - Remove automatically all unused packages update - update list of ...
1. How Do I List All Available Packages? To list all the available packages, type the following command. $ apt-cache pkgnames esseract-ocr-epo pipenightdreams mumudvb tbb-examples libsvm-java libmrpt-hmtslam0.9 libboost-timer1.50-dev
sudo xargs -a packages_list.txt apt install 1. 计算已安装软件包的数量 要了解系统上安装了多少包,您可以使用与创建包列表时相同的命令,但不是将输出重定向到文件,您可以将其通过管道传输到wc命令以计算行数: sudo dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W | wc -l ...
apt list --upgradeable List all versions of all available packages apt list --all-versions Additional options, commands, and notes: Use grep to quickly search through the list for specific package names or other strings. Replace [string] with the package name or other term you wish to sea...