查找软件包命令:sudo apt search <keyword> 列出所有已安装的包:apt list --installed 列出所有已安装的包的版本信息:apt list --all-versions 更多细节参考: 菜鸟教程-vim 菜鸟教程-apt yum 语法 __EOF__
sudo apt list --installed 1. adduser/stable,now 3.115 all [installed] apt/stable,now 1.4.8 amd64 [installed] apt-listchanges/stable,now 3.10 all [installed] apt-utils/stable,now 1.4.8 amd64 [installed] autoconf/stable,now 2.69-10 all [installed] automake/stable,now 1:1.15-6 all [ins...
· 查找软件包命令:sudo apt search · 列出所有已安装的包:apt list --installed · 列出所有已安装的包的版本信息:apt list --all-versions
显示系统里所有已经安装的 Snap 软件包 ,可以这个命令: snap list Snap 可以用绿色勾号标出哪个应用来自经过认证的发布者。 列出已经安装的 Snap 软件包 显示系统里所有已安装的 Flatpak 软件包 ,可以用这个命令: flatpak list 让我来个汇总: 用apt 命令显示已安装软件包: apt list –installed 用dpkg 命令显示...
The apt command shows the number of upgradable packages at the bottom of the apt update command output 要查看可以升级的软件包,请运行以下命令: apt list --upgradable 你应该看到这样的输出: ~$ apt list --upgradable Listing... Done apparmor/jammy-updates 3.0.4-2ubuntu2.1 amd64 [upgradable from...
yum实战命令: 安装: yum install -y:不交互安装 # 选项[y/d/N]: d代表只下载不安装 没有-d参数 yum localinstall 安装本地的rpm包,并安装依赖(从其他源里下载安装) yum reinstall 重装 # 可用于修复 查询: yum list 查询所有
apt list --upgradeable #显示可升级的软件包 apt list --installed #显示已安装的软件包 # apt-get [选项] 命令# apt-get [选项] source 软件包1 [软件包2 ... apt-get search [package] #搜索软件包 apt-get install|remove [package] #安装或移除软件包 apt-get reinstall [package] #重新安装 ...
$ sudo apt list --installed $ sudo apt list --installed | less $ sudo apt list --installed | grep tmux rpm RHEL、CentOS rpm 命令是 RPM 软件包的管理工具。rpm 原本是 Red Hat Linux 发行版专门用来管理 Linux 各项套件的程序,由于它遵循 GPL 规则且功能强大方便,因而广受欢迎。逐渐受到其他发行版...
For greater control over the update process, you can manually update your system using the apt command. To update all installed packages, use: apt update The apt update command refreshes the package list, and apt upgrade installs any available updates. You will have the opportunity to review ...
Run this command periodically to make sure your source list is up-to-date. This is the equivalent of "Reload" in Synaptic or "Fetch updates" in Adept. apt-get upgrade This command upgrades all installed packages. This is the equivalent of "Mark all upgrades" in Synaptic. apt-get dist-...