I thought I’d write for a moment about what it means to use a cane as a person with an invisible disability (fibromyalgia). Invisible disabilities are life-altering health conditions which are nonetheless not always visible to a normal observer. Even a trained medical professional might miss ...
For the bulk of our species’ approximately 200,000-year lifespan, we had no means of precisely representing quantities. What’s more, the 7,000 or so languages that exist today vary dramatically in how they utilize numbers. [C] Speakers of anumeric, or numberless, lang...
2.12. Note that the distribution of the means calculated from a sample of size 2 more closely resembles a normal distribution than a uniform distribution. Using the formulas for the mean and variance of a probability distribution given in Section 2.3, we can verify that the mean of the ...
“I can’t be a pessimist because I am alive. To be a pessimist means that you have agreed that human life is an academic matter. So, I am forced to be an optimist. I am forced to believe that we can survive, whatever we must survive.” -James Baldwin …”We don’t laugh becaus...
(i) used improper means to acquire knowledge of the trade I secret; (ii) at the time of disclosure or use, knew or had reason to know that his knowledge of the trade secret was derived from or through a person who had utilized improper means to acquire it, I I Case 2:09-cv-01167...