Usually you accept a merge request the moment it is ready and reviewed. But in some cases you want to make sure that every merge request is reviewed and signed off by several people before merging it. With GitLab Enterprise Edition 7.12, you can enforce such a workflow that requires multipl...
$curl-XPOST-H"Authorization: Bearer$GITLAB_TOKEN"-H"Content-Type: application/json"--data'{"name": "Custom maintainer", "base_access_level": 10, "admin_merge_request" : true}'"http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/groups/77/member_roles"{"id": 4,"group_id": 77,"name":"Custom maintainer...
See ifMergebutton has been enabled (we might want to improve colors between enabled / disabled too) Click merge It would be great to make it possible to approve & merge a merge request in a single operation. Probably using a dropdown is good enough, even though we would still need 2 cl...
ApproveGuard: A CLI tool for enforcing upvote thresholds on GitLab Community Edition merge requests, designed to integrate seamlessly into Atlantis workflows. golangterraformapproveworkflowsgitlab-ceatlantisupvotes UpdatedFeb 17, 2025 Go This Project allows to revoke your ERC20 and ERC721 approvals in...
This CLI tool checks the number of upvotes for a GitLab Merge Request (MR). It is designed to run within an Atlantis workflow and aims to fill the gap in features between GitLab Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition. The CLI tool takes three parameters: GitLab Token Merge Request ...
GitLabSoon Trusted by over 500 organizations on millions of pull requests “DoorDash has been using PullApprove Enterprise for the past several years to manage GitHub PR approvals for our organization. With hundreds of repos and thousands of users in our GitHub organization, PullApprove functionalit...
My project,, is one. Make a legit merge request(in this sample, it's !3). Wait until the merge request is reviewed and approved by one of the eligible approvers. Push another commit to the MR source branch Refresh the MR webpage, observe that the new...
Merge request reports Merged results pipeline#1109622808passed Merged results pipeline passed forc72026fd1 year ago Test coverage 94.41%(-0.02%)from 1 job Deployed todocs/feature-auto-approve1 year ago Approval is optional Merged byandrejs1 year ago (Dec 17, 2023 4:32pm GMT+0800)1 ye...
merge 21 milestones 22 projects 23 reviewers 24 assignees 25 linked-issues 26 buffer 27)) (code-review-gitlab-repo code-review-github-repo) ((:closql-database . closql-database) (:id . id) (:owner . owner) (:repo . repo) (:number . number)) [#s(cl-slot-descriptor closql-...
Sean McGivern mentioned in merge request !479 (closed) 8 years ago Douwe Maan Status changed to reopened 8 years ago Douwe Maan @DouweM · 8 years ago Contributor Reopened per Douwe Maan Milestone changed to ...