A review of effective youth engagement strategies for mental health and substance use interventions. J Adolesc Health. 2016;60(5):487–512. Article Google Scholar Highet NJ, Luscombe GM, Davenport TA, Burns JM, Hickie IB. Positive relationships between public awareness activity and recognition of...
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in people with diabetes (National Diabetes Fact Sheet, CDC, 2011). The 2011 NNDS showed that fewer than 10% of people surveyed in 2011 thought heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, stroke, or hypertension were linked to diabetes...
As a final example, JR, who had been unemployed for five years following an on-the-job back injury, described being stuck in a life of struggling to make ends meet as a recipient of Social Security disability benefits. JR expressed wanting to move forward in obtaining employment in the U....
For inclusive education systems, the situation of students with a disability also needs to be considered [24], while using digital delivery of education also has implications for gender equity [28]. Issues noted in a study by Khlaif and Salha [29] of emergency remote teaching during the ...