being limited by an illness or disability (vs. no limiting illness/disability) and having access to a communal garden (vs. no access to any garden or outside space) were consistently associated with worse mental well-being outcomes. However, contrastingly, reporting that they did not work due ...
Context is important: something that can be a resource in one neighbourhood or for particular social groups might not work as such in another neighbourhood or for other social groups. For example, population density has been linked to both positive and negative health outcomes (Pearson et al.,20...
under the Department of Public Safety (DPS). However, applicants must be at least 6 years of age during the time of application, hold a physical disability or be blind. Additionally, applicants must be able to present proof
Hospital care for AIS is frequently the first and last opportunity to rescue a life and reverse or prevent neurologic disability. Understanding the effectiveness of hospital systems at a national and regional level is needed to insure both consistency and timeliness in the receipt of evidence-based ...
This training lasted a week before the person responsible for the activity went on a trip. Regarding to absences due to disability, the doubts that arose were resolved by contacting the responsible person, either by email or by telephone. In the case of the second type of limitation, this ...