western blotWestern blot (WB) or immunoblot is a workhorse method. It is commonly used by biologists for study of different aspects of protein biomolecules. In addition, it has been widely used in disease diagnosis. Despite some limitations such as long time, different applications of WB have ...
Cell Signaling Technology antibodies are validated in-house for Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence, Flow Cytometry and more by CST scientists.
Over the past few decades, there has been a surge in the emergence of new viral and bacterial strains around the world [1]. Most recently, we had the COVID-19 pandemic, which was greatly devastating, killing millions of people around the world. Viruses such as the Corona virus, such as...
Western blot analysis of exosome-depleted FBS. (A) Analysis of FBS by SDS-PAGE: Equal masses (10 µg) of FBS proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Exosome-depleted FBS looks very similar to the source FBS used in production. (B) CD63 content by western blot analysis: Exosomes were...
Analysis of exosome-depleted FBS by SDS-PAGE and CD63 content by western blot miRNA detection by qRT-PCR in FBS sample-derived exosomes Figure 6. miRNA detection in FBS sample-derived exosomes.Exosomes were isolated from FBS samples, and total RNA was isolated from the exosomes (using t...
TechniqueWestern BlotNorthern BlotSouthern Blot Target MoleculeProteinRNADNA Sample PrepProtein extractionRNA isolationDNA extraction SeparationGel Electrophoresis/SDS-PAGEGel ElectrophoresisGel Electrophoresis Membrane MaterialNitrocellulose/PVDFNylonNylon ProbeUses a single primary antibody or a combination of p...
These proteins are available as Western blot controls. Recombinant proteins may also be used to pre-absorb antibodies for specificity testing of antibodies in many applications, e.g. immunohistochemistry. Related Information Protein Biological Activity Recombinant Proteins...
Perform quantitative protein gels, Western blots, EMSAs, ELISAs, In-Cell Western™ Assays, tissue section imaging, and more on LICORbio imaging systems.
Get truly quantitative data for protein gels, Western blots, tissue sections, plate-based assays, and more with the Odyssey M Imaging System.
Analysis of exosome-depleted FBS by SDS-PAGE and CD63 content by western blot miRNA detection by qRT-PCR in FBS sample-derived exosomes Figure 6. miRNA detection in FBS sample-derived exosomes.Exosomes were isolated from FBS samples, and total RNA was isolated from the e...