If your credit card lost, how to do? How do you apply for replacement? Please call our credit card 24-hour Service Line 02-2528-7776 immediately. (If you aren't in Taiwan, please call through the international call 886-2-2528-7776) When it is connected, Please press “6” in the v...
and activate the message service to this number. i have attached a copy of my bank passbook and a copy of my aadhaar card for your reference. thank you for your kind attention and understanding. yours sincerely, signature of the sender aanandhan m attached documents: 1. copy of bank pass...
本人之銀行及分行名稱# My Bank and Branch Name# 付款銀行 TO DEBIT FROM 本人在月結單/存摺上所記錄之姓名 My Name as recorded on Statement/Passbook 本人之身份證號碼/護照號碼 My H.K.I.D. Card/Passport No. 日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact No. 銀行編號 Bank No. 分行編號 Branch No. 賬戶號碼 (...
Principal Cardholder shall remain liable for any payments arising from the use of the Card and any related charges until the Card is returned to the Bank or the Bank is able to implement the procedures which apply to lost cards. 3. The Bank shall have the right to charge a cancell...
Date COL-BR PID PSIG SID SSIG BR MC 5500 CDD Exercise Completed FOR BANK USE ONLY TPRSL/EIPRR STID SE BOX PASSBOOK STATEMENT ADD PROOF CK BY Customer Services Hotline: 3608 6628 Fax Number: 3608 6418 Mailing Address: The Bank of East Asia, Limited, Central Operations Department, 30/F...
(s) has/have not acted fraudulently, with gross negligence or has/have not otherwise failed to inform the Bank as soon as reasonably practicable after having found that the Card(s) has/have been lost or stolen, the maximum liability of the Cardholder(s) for loss, theft or unauthorized...
7. A debit entry for the am ount transacted and charges (if any) shall be reflected in your account statem ents/savings passbook, where applicable. No transaction advice will be sent to you with regards this application. 8. The Bank reserves the right to revise all charges from tim...
「」號並以英文正楷填寫下列各項 Card Type 信用卡類別 Please select credit card type 請選擇信用卡類別: WeWa Visa Classic Card WeWa Visa普通卡 (Annual income required: HK$60,000 or for Full-time University / Tertiary Student 年薪須達HK$60,000或為全日制大學 / 大專學生) W...
「P」號並以英文正楷填寫下列各項 Card Type 信用卡類別 Please select credit card type 請選擇信用卡類別: WeWa Visa Classic Card WeWa Visa普通卡 (Annual income required: HK$60,000 or for Full-time University / Tertiary Student 年薪須達HK$60,000或為全日制大學 / 大專學生) WeWa Visa Platinum ...
本人之銀行及分行名稱# My Bank and Branch Name# 付款銀行 TO DEBIT FROM 本人在月結單/存摺上所記錄之姓名 My Name as recorded on Statement/Passbook 本人之身份證號碼/護照號碼 My H.K.I.D. Card/Passport No. 日間聯絡電話 Daytime Contact No. 銀行編號 Bank No. 分行編號 Branch No. 賬戶號碼 (...