退休及年金 醫療及意外 危疾保障 團體保險 最新 「頤年 · 樂享」儲蓄保險計劃 確保您努力耕耘得來的儲蓄持續增長,讓您享受精彩的退休生活,並同時籌劃財富傳承,惠澤摯愛 最新 「頤年 · 傳承」儲蓄保險計劃 讓您在建立財富的路途上,享有非凡的財務彈性
Application for Changing Mobile Number: Looking for a format to write a letter to the bank manager for changing the mobile number? Check out this article and go through the samples for a better idea.
Bank details and KYC documents of applicant, co-applicant, and guarantor (if required) Telephone Bill, Bank passbook front page copy, Aadhar card, Passport of the applicant, Electricity Bill, Voter ID card as proof of residence (is permanent and present addresses are not the same then, 2 di...
申請金葵花服務 Application of Sunflower Service 申請私人財富管理服務 Application of Private Wealth Management Service 1/20 DPD-390(O) (12-2014) 賬戶 /服 務申請及委託書- 公司賬戶 Application and Mandate for Accounts/ Services – Corporate Account 銀行專用 FOR BANK USE ONLY CIF No...
Bank statement or passbook showing your latest 1-month income proof (including the copy of front cover page of your passbook which shows your name and account number) or any type of income proof. Please provide the latest 2-month income proof if you are commission based income earner. •...
Please attach a crossed cheque for the annual premium made payable to "Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited" with a completed Direct Debit Authorization Form as in Page 6. 信用卡戶口自動轉賬 Autopay by Credit Card 請填妥第 5 頁的「信用卡付款授權書」.Please complete Credit Card ...
PLUS latest 1 month's bank statement/bank passbook showing salary entry 自僱人士 Self Employed • 商業登記;及 Business Registration; AND • 最近3個月之個人或公司銀行月結單 / 存摺;及 Latest 3 month's personal or company bank statement/bank passbook; AND • 最近之薪俸稅 / 利得稅單...
I understand that the Bank may at any time and without giving any prior notice terminate or suspend my UnionPay dual currency credit card(s) if I am or shall be in breach of my declaration and/or undertaking above, and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss or claim in conne...
電話 Tel:31875100 傳真 Fax:3906 9906 中銀環球醫療保障計劃批改申請書 BOC Worldwide Medical Insurance Plan Endorsement Application Form 致 To:中銀集團保險有限公司 Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited 請填寫保單號碼 Please provide Policy No.: 第一部份 Part 1 更改保單持有人/受保人個人資料 ...
Any one of the following proofs of income / assets: • The latest Income Tax Demand Note or your salary slip showing your name for the past month • Bank statements / passbook records showing your name, account number, and salary entries for the past 3 months • Your company's ...