A Sleep tracking app on your Apple Watch converts your smartwatch into a sleep tracker device. Sound sleep is must to stay healthy, and your watch can help you track your sleep to keep your health in good shape. When you download any third-party apps to measure how much you sleep, you...
您还可以在iPhone上启动Pillow,以从那里运行它,或仅查看它记录了哪些数据以及如何与Apple Watch一起使用。 同步枕头数据 在iPhone上的枕头设置中,您可以选择始终将数据与“运行状况”应用程序同步,或者可以通过点击Apple Watch应用程序中的“同步”按钮来手动同步数据。 数据同步后,打开“运行状况”应用程序,然后选择“...
但是Sleep Tracker不能跟踪REM周期。SleepX:睡眠周期监测器,1.99美元 SleepX(发音为Sleep-Ten)是一款应用程序,声称它可以帮助你更好地生活十倍。它的主要重点功能是跟踪你的能量水平,以及全天以及夜间睡眠质量。在睡眠跟踪方面,SleepX需要手动提示开始和结束会话,并不详细说明睡眠周期,但会提供一个图表,显示...
How can I add it to my watch to track my sleep? I have tried to set up sleep tracker on my Apple Watch but nowhere on my watch is the sleep app. The directions say open the sleep app on your watch but it doesn’t exist. I have searched the App Store from my watch for the Ap...
使用TestFlight App帮助开发者测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App。请在App Store中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch和 iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。 开始使用 若要使用 TestFlight 测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App,你需要接受开发者的电子邮件邀请或公开链接邀请,并且拥有可用于测试的设...
使用TestFlight App帮助开发者测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App。请在App Store中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch和 iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。 开始使用 若要使用 TestFlight 测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App,你需要接受开发者的电子邮件邀请或公开链接邀请,并且拥有可用于测试的设...
Watch sleeping app How to turn on more informations on sleeping app? (Rem, wake time, so on…) can t see more infos, only sleaping time. 1 year ago 841 3 Sleep tracker Is there a more detailed app that tracks quality of sleep like Fitbit does? 4 years ago 552 1 1 reply ...
Apple Watch App of the Year Stay active while being kind to yourself with Gentler Streak. Gentler Streak Health Tracker Workout, Wellness & Sleep Log View This fitness tracker taught us that when it comes to exercise, kicking back is just as crucial as kicking it up. ...
Apple Watch App of the Year Stay active while being kind to yourself with Gentler Streak. Gentler Streak Health Tracker Wellness: Workout & Sleep Log View Gentler Streak Health Tracker Wellness: Workout & Sleep Log View Gentler Streak taught us that when it comes to fitness, kicking back is...
AutoSleep is the one that I use as I don't have to manually tell my watch when I'm going to bed. That said, I find the app ugggggly and would move to another similar app if I liked its looks better (and had time/cared enough to do more research). Reactions: AdamA9 Loopy...