把时间拉回到现在,在看今年的 WWDC 时,我非常肯定 Apple Vision Pro 作为一个经多年打磨的空间计算设备的产品设计和技术积累,但就当前 Apple Vision Pro 面临的问题,以及这类型设备现在的市场情况,让我感觉到 Tim Cook 在今年 WWDC 上宣布的这次 One more thing 将会是「第二个 iPhone 时刻」。 以下,我会先从...
But personal computers didn’t have point-and-click GUIs before the Mac, and phones didn’t have “it’s all just a big touchscreen” interfaces before the iPhone. No other headset today has a “just look at a target, and tap your finger and thumb” interface today. I suspect in a ...
在Vision Pro发布前,其预测消息已经满天飞。以交互为例,有人认为是肌电手环+手势,也有人认为是Siri+...
Apple Vision Pro is Apple's first wearable headset device, offering a mixed reality experience. Vision Pro is priced starting at $3,499, with...
开发专用于Apple Vision Pro的 App 涉及到对VisionOS平台的理解、开发工具的使用,以及对设备特性的充分利用。以下分步骤讲解其开发流程。 1. 熟悉 VisionOS 平台 VisionOS 是 Apple 专为沉浸式体验设计的操作系统,特点如下: 3D 空间交互:支持将 App 界面放置在真实物理空间中。
Its skeleton still comes from Apple's well-established and heavily iterated mobile and computer operating systems, though, and that means you'll be seeing plenty of familiar interface elements and concepts. In fact, if you've used...
会结合conversational user interface or gesture?(命令or手势?)在图形界面出现之前,我们都是用command...
Apple Vision Prois a standalone hardware device that has its own processors and does not require a connection to a Mac or aniPhoneto operate, but it is able to interface with other Apple devices. With the Mac, for example, the Vision Pro can serve as a Mac display. ...
Volumes 是 Vision Pro 平台独有的应用形态,为了体现虚拟现实下 3D 内容的特性体验,Volumes 应场景而生。Volumes 可以支持应用在一定边界内展示 3D 内容,如果你有 3D 内容想要展示,那 Volumes 是绝佳的选择。 Volumes 是 Windows 的扩展性形态,可以独立存在于 Space 中,也可以与 Windows 混合融入其中,展示一定边界...
Vision Pro is capable of delivering an infinite canvasfor apps that scales beyond the boundaries of a conventional display and offers a fully three-dimensional user interface that is controlled using the most natural and intuitive inputs imaginable – namely, the user’s eyes, hands, and voice....