Apple Vision Pro will become commercially available next year, but companies can already start thinking about the tech stack for their AR solutions.
让MV-HEVC这个标准能够“枯木逢春,老树发芽”的是,在2023年6月的WWDC2023开发者大会上,苹果公布使用iOS 17.2 Beta版本就能用iPhone 15 Pro拍摄出Apple Vision Pro的空间视频,而Apple Vision Pro采用的视频编码格式,就是MV-HEVC。 那苹果为什么要用MV-HEVC格式来实现3D视频编码呢?其实大家可以去看看这次大会上介绍3D...
Overview Works with Apple Health Add to Apple Wallet and Health HealthKit HealthKit is now available on Apple Vision Pro, giving you new ways to create innovative health and fitness experiences that take advantage of the infinite canvas in visionOS. And new APIs for mental health and wellbeing ...
让MV-HEVC这个标准能够“枯木逢春,老树发芽”的是,在2023年6月的WWDC2023开发者大会上,苹果公布使用iOS 17.2 Beta版本就能用iPhone 15 Pro拍摄出Apple Vision Pro的空间视频,而Apple Vision Pro采用的视频编码格式,就是MV-HEVC。 那苹果为什么要用MV-HEVC格式来实现3D视频编码呢?其实大家可以去看看这次大会上介绍3D...
欢迎使用 Apple Vision Pro,这台空间计算机可让你沉浸在全新空间中的同时进行协作、与重要的人保持联系等等。
Apple預計在WWDC 2024對全球開發者介紹更多visionOS的開發細節,若能在舉辦WWDC 2024前後於美國以外市場發售Vision Pro,則對推廣visionOS的全球開發生態有幫助。 Apple目前不在美國以外市場發售Vision Pro的原因,包括:1) 初期Vision Pro供應有限、2) 先在美國市場驗證銷售流程能順利運作、與 3) 需要時間調整算法以符合...
Tap into the incredible performance and efficiency of Apple silicon across iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro.About MetalMetal is a modern, tightly integrated graphics and compute API coupled with a powerful shading language that is designed and optimized for Apple platforms. Its ...
With the Apple Vision Pro not set to launch until 2024, there's a lot that we don't know about it. Apple has given us a rough overview of the...
Apple Shares Overview of Vision Pro's Privacy and Security Features Tuesday February 13, 2024 7:48 am PST byJoe Rossignol Following the launch of the Vision Pro, Apple has shared a new document outlining various privacy and security measures for the headset. An overview of some of the Vision...
Overview Accessibility & Inclusion Explore best practices for creating inclusive apps for users of Apple accessibility features and users from diverse backgrounds. General Accessibility for detents behaves different in fullscreen cover 10h USB-C Cable for Galaxy Watch 7 not recognized by Macbook pro ...