如果你的 iPhone 或 iPad(无线局域网 + 蜂窝网络)无法激活,或者你收到一条提醒,提示激活服务器不可用或 SIM 卡不受支持,请了解该怎么做。 开始之前 如果你收到一条错误信息,提示“无 SIM 卡”或“无效 SIM 卡”,请了解该怎么做。 查看“系统状态”页面上的列表。如果“iOS 设备激活”旁的方框不是绿色的,...
If you get an error message that says the "activation information was invalid" or "activation information could not be obtained from the device," use recovery mode to restore your iPhone or iPad. If you still can't activate your iPhone or iPad, contact Apple Support. Reply of 1 Unable...
If you have a Mac/PC then many times you will be able to activate it using the computer. If not, this support article gives some tips and if you still do not have any luck then it recommends to contact Apple directly. If you can't activate your iPhone or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular) ...
"Unable to ActivateYour iPhone could not be activated because the activation server cannot be reached. Try connecting you iPhone to a Mac or a PC with iTunes to activate, or try again in a couple of minutes.If this problem persists, contact Apple Support at apple.com/support" Restored on...
如果你的 Mac 无法顺利完成启动,或者在启动过程中需要你完成某项操作,它可能会卡在以下某个屏幕上。 问号 如果你的 Mac 在启动时显示一个问号,请了解该怎么做。 由直线穿过的圆圈 如果你 Mac 在启动时显示一个由直线穿过的圆圈(禁止符号),请了解该怎么做。
So, why is your Apple ID not active, and how to activate your Apple ID again? In this guide, we will explain what "This Apple ID is not active" means, why it appears, and how to fix this problem. Keep reading! What Does “Apple ID Is Not Active” Mean?
If you're only activating the eSIM in your iPhone 13,remove the pre-installed 5G SIM cardto access Verizon's 5G network. If this is an upgrade or your phone wasn't activated after purchase, refer toactivate a new iPhone. From the 'Hello' screen, swipe up from the bottom of the scree...
If this is an upgrade or your phone was not activated when purchased, refer toactivate a new iPhone. Press the Home button to unlock your iPhone. Tap the screen to choose language then tap the country or region. Tap the Wi-Fi network, enter the Wi-Fi password then tap ...
从包含配置为“Start on Patch/Set Change”(在 Patch/集更改时启动)的“播放”插件实例的不同 Concert 导入 Patch 时,不会再导致 MainStage 意外退出。 使用妙控鼠标在 Layer 编辑器中向左或向右轻扫时,不会再导致 MainStage 意外退出。 在启用“旁白”的情况下打开智能控制的上下文菜单时,MainStage 不会再...
Hello, I'm unable to activate a timeline in my application through an OnTap, OnAddedToScene or OnNotification. In RCP I can test and play the timelines easily. When running in the simulator or on device the timelines simply do not run, regardless of the method through which I try to ...