使用iPhone 或 iPad 随附的线缆,将 iPhone 或 iPad 连接到电脑。在电脑上找到你的设备。 等待电脑检测并激活 iPhone 或 iPad: 如果出现一条提醒,提示“设置为新的”或“从备份恢复”,则说明你的 iPhone 或 iPad 已激活。 如果电脑上显示一条错误信息,提示 SIM 卡不兼容或无效,请联系你的运营商。
Only compatible SIM cards from a supported carrier may be used to activate iPhone. Please insert the SIM card that came with your iPhone or visit a supported carrier store.”(此 iPhone 中插入的 SIM 卡似乎不受支持。只能使用受支持的运营商提供的兼容 SIM 卡才能激活 iPhone。请插入 iPhone 附带的...
Turn on and set up iPhone - Apple Support (IN) Please look at this -->If you can't activate your iPhone - Apple Support Carrier Lock:- Request your iPhone’s original Carrier to unlock your iPhone and if they agree and do it, then you may know the further process here -->How to...
Power button (top-right edge) to power the new iPhone on. iPhone 14 devices do not have an option for a physical SIM card and can only be activated with an eSIM (electronic SIM card). If this is an upgrade or your phone was not activated after purchase, refer toactivate a new iPhone...
It sounds like you're having an issue with activating your iPhone. We're happy to assist. We recommend checking out the steps in the section below. If you can't activate your iPhone or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular) - Apple Support 1) Restart your iPhone or iPad. 2) If you're using a...
如果你在智能电视机上设置 Apple TV App,系统可能会将你重定向至activate.apple.com来创建 Apple 账户。此外,你还可以按照以下步骤在网页上创建 Apple 账户。 在网页上创建 Apple 账户 前往account.apple.com,然后点按“创建你的 Apple 账户”。 按照屏幕上的步骤来提供电子邮件地址,创建强密码,并设置设备地区。
“查找”包含激活锁功能,如果你的 iPhone 或 iPad 丢失或失窃,这项功能可防止他人使用相应设备。当你在设备上打开“查找”时,激活锁会自动打开。 激活锁可以协助你确保设备安全,即使设备落入他人之手也能安然无虞,而且可以提高你找回设备的几率。即使你远程抹掉设备,激活锁仍可以继续阻止他人在未经你允许的情况下重...
Find all iPhone 14 Support information here. Learn how to activate, set up features and troubleshoot issues with our FAQs, how-to guides and videos.
Part 1. Three Ways to Activate iPhone without Apple ID and Password Option 1. FoneGeek iPhone Passcode Unlocker The best way to remove the Apple ID, even if you don't have the password, is to use a third-party tool likeFoneGeek iPhone Passcode Unlocker. This tool is specifically designed ...
Check this link... If you can't activate your iPhone or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular) - Apple Support Reply of 1 Could not activate iPhone Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple Account.Learn...