Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We understand that you're having an issue with your Sleep data. We'd like to help. Just to confirm, are you trying to Track your sleep on Apple Watch and use Sleep on iPhone? Are you running the most updated iOS and watchOS on your iPhone and A...
sleep app not showing in apple watch 7 I setup the apple watch 7 for my family member from my iphone 12. after setup i do not see sleep app in watch. i see in the forum that the reason is i have sleep app in iphone, which is completely ridiculous. When i setup the watch for a...
1. When in Sleep Mode and worn to bed, Apple Watch will track your sleep and send this data to the Health app. To enable Sleep tracking, from the paired iPhone, navigate to and select the Watch app. 2. Scroll to and selectSleep, then scroll to and select the Track Sleep with Apple...
如果网址失效或者不对, 用iPhone的app Store 搜 apple Sleep app 然后找到睡眠(详细见下一大段) 手机上短信发送 手表收到 手表打开网址, 然后下载 🆗K~ app Store 找睡眠 用iPhone的app Store 搜 apple Sleep app 然后找到睡眠 ,可能不在第一页结果中(左) 打开确认下图标是否一致,是否 "仅适用于 apple Wa...
Similar functionality is available on the iPhone through the Bedtime tab of the Clocks app. There is no Sleep app or references to a Sleep app in the Alarms app on watchOS 6.0.1 or watchOS 6.1 beta, butMacRumors uncovered evidence of Apple working on a Sleep appfor the Apple Watch in ...
在为 iPhone 12 发布会背稿子? watchOS 7 引入了 Sleep App(睡眠应用)可以进行睡眠质量和时间监测。 还有疫情期间提醒大家好好洗手的检测功能~要洗够时间才能保持卫生哦! 接下来聊到 VO2Max(ml/kg/min)最大摄氧量这个指标,这个指标在医学界被普遍认为是很好的心肺功能指标,原来只有特殊的诊所才能做这个测试,...
·sleep (睡眠) 这四个分类,简直绝了! 工作的时候,来点productivity, 让你效率倍增! 想要放松身心,来点chill, 让你瞬间佛系! 想要睡个好觉,来点sleep, 让你一夜好梦! 想要提升幸福感,来点wellbeing, 让你心情愉悦! 总之,无论你是什么心情, 都能找到最适合你的音乐!
不过,这可能很快就会改变,来自苹果自己人的泄密,原生的 Apple Watch Sleep 应用已经存在,只是苹果尚未发布而已。在 App Store 的苹果闹铃(Alarms)屏幕快照中引用了未发布的 Sleep:根据屏幕快照中的简短描述,其支持在「睡眠」应用程序中设置就寝时间和唤醒时间,类似于 iPhone「时钟」中设置闹钟的方式。不过,...
iOS 或 iPadOS App:运行iOS 14或iPadOS 14或更高版本的 iPhone、iPad 或iPod touch。要测试轻 App,你需要安装iOS 14或iPadOS 14或更高版本。 macOS App:运行macOS 12或更高版本的Mac。 Apple tvOS App:运行Apple tvOS 14或更高版本的Apple TV。
在App Store中也有一些可以帮助我们睡眠的App。我个人曾经使用过Sleep Cycle以及AutoSleep等应用。其中Sleep Cycle相当于一个智慧闹钟,我可以将起床时间设定在7:00-7:30的区间,应用可以在我处于浅睡眠时叫醒我,让人自然起床。这款应用还能追踪我的睡眠模式,并以图表显示深睡眠/浅睡眠时间,让我对自己的身体有一个明...