Indian official has suggested Apple’s ambitious plan for production shift. Apple has already made about 5% to 7% of its production in India, and “If I am not mistaken, they are targeting to go up to 25% of their manufacturing, Piyush Goyal, the Commerce and Industry Minister, said in ...
Indian official has suggested Apple’s ambitious plan for production shift. Apple has already made about 5% to 7% of its production in India, and “If I am not mistaken, they are targeting to go up to 25% of their manufacturing, Piyush Goyal, the Commerce and Industry Minister, said in ...
Apple has been assembling smartphones in India through contract manufacturerssince 2017. However, until 2022, the Cupertino-based US technology giant had primarily used India’s manufacturing facilities for assembling entry-level or legacy handsets. This changed in 2021-22 when Apple started as...
As a prerequisite to launching iPhone 14 models out of India, Apple plans to maintain its high standards for confidentiality in the country. Reportedly, Foxconn has been studying the process of shipping components from China to India for iPhone 14 manufacturing at its Chennai factory but the manuf...
Meanwhile, DigiTimes reports that Apple has continued expanding its mid-tier iPhone production in India, with partner Foxconn already manufacturing iPhone XR devices there. Apple has been setting up iPhone manufacturing hubs in India ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi...
So what Apple might be aiming for is creating a second production hub in addition to the one in China. The plan is as simple as it could be: given the growing tension between the United States and China, using India for the manufacturing of iPhones could help Apple avoid ...
and other efforts to attract foreign investors. He said Apple has already made about 5% to 7% of its production in India, and “If I am not mistaken, they are targeting to go up to 25% of their manufacturing. They launched their most recent models from India, manufactured in India.” ...
and other efforts to attract foreign investors. He said Apple has already made about 5% to 7% of its production in India, and “If I am not mistaken, they are targeting to go up to 25% of their manufacturing. They launched their most recent models from India, manufactured in India.” ...
Japanese newspaper said Apple aims to manufacture 15 million iPhone units this year in India, including the upcoming iPhone 15 series, and the output more than doubles its target a year earlier. It added that Apple is investing heavily in manufacturing iPhone 15 series in the Southern Asian ...
hard at work at shortening manufacturing lead times from the current nine to six months. One of the critical factors for Apple and its product manufacturing process is confidentiality and Cupertino is reportedly looking to impose its strict rules alongside Foxconn at the assembly lines in India. ...