Indian official has suggested Apple’s ambitious plan for production shift. Apple has already made about 5% to 7% of its production in India, and “If I am not mistaken, they are targeting to go up to 25% of their manufacturing, Piyush Goyal, the Commerce and Industry Minister, said in ...
consumers. The new iPhones will be assembled by Foxconn, the same company that's been Apple's key manufacturing partner for the iPhone for more than a decade. Foxconn, which operates primarily in China, will build the new iPhone Pro models in its factory in India's southernmost state, ...
Apple has been shifting production away from China after the country's strict COVID-related restrictions disrupted the manufacturing of new iPhones and other devices in the country and also to avoid a big hit to its business from tensions between Beijing and Washington. 今年1 月,国外贸易部长表示...
Apple has been assembling smartphones in India through contract manufacturerssince 2017. However, until 2022, the Cupertino-based US technology giant had primarily used India’s manufacturing facilities for assembling entry-level or legacy handsets. This changed in 2021-22 when Apple started as...
"We welcome Apple's proposal to commence initial manufacturing operations in Karnataka. Its intentions to make iPhones in Bengaluru will foster the cutting-edge technology ecosystem and supply chain development in the state, which are critical for India to compete globally," said Kharge. "Apple's ...
With India accounting for an ever greater proportion of iPhone manufacturing, Apple and its suppliers are planning to build residential accommodation by the thousands.
"We're excited to be manufacturing iPhone 14 in India," Apple said in a brief statement. The California-based firm already makes older iPhone models in India via Taiwanese manufacturers such as Foxconn, which has a factory in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. The latest announcement comes jus...
Indian official has suggested Apple’s ambitious plan for production shift. Apple has already made about 5% to 7% of its production in India, and “If I am not mistaken, they are targeting to go up to 25% of their manufacturing, Piyush Goyal, the Commerce and Industry Minister, said in ...
per the report. It said that the development of the more complicated iPhone 17 Pro will still be conducted in China. If the work in Indian factory becomes a success, Apple will lock down the manufacturing steps of the iPhone 17 in India by next summer and begin replicating it at secondary...
per the report. It said that the development of the more complicated iPhone 17 Pro will still be conducted in China. If the work in Indian factory becomes a success, Apple will lock down the manufacturing steps of the iPhone 17 in India by next summer and begin replicating it at secondary...