比起 Day One 等成熟的第三方日记应用,Journal 现在的基础功能确实不多,自定义的空间更小。但简单也是一种选择,核心的拍照、录音、定位等功能 Journal 已经具备,况且它还是免费的,不像一些应用订阅了高级版才能添加语音、视频等内容。如果和社交媒体相较,Journal 又是一个更好的「情绪垃圾桶」。我的微信朋友...
引入日记应用更新不够,应用来凑。Journal 是一款全新出现的App,它类似一个独立手记,能够帮助 iPhone 用户通过日记的方式来记录生活中的点滴,支持包括相片、音乐、播客、地点在内多种类型的输入。并且实现了端到端的加密,一些功能用户本人可以进行解锁操作,这个APP的出现,对于一些手账爱好者来说,可以说是精准推送...
The Journal app is only available to those running theiOS 17.2. First launch of the Journal app When launching the Journal app for the first time, Apple does its best to instill privacy best practices, such as locking the app when closed and how suggestions are all created and stored locall...
If not, who does 2 years ago 1358 6 Why can’t I install the Wall Street Journal app on my iphone Why can’t I install the Wall Street Journal app on my iPhone? 1 year ago 494 1 “My Journal” app I cannot access my entries in My Journal app. How to I get them! 2 ...
Before coming to The Verge, she worked for Gizmodo and PC Magazine. Ever since I learned how to write, I’ve never been without a journal. There are currently six I use regularly on my desk, plus the Day One and Daylio apps on my phone. Each has its purpose, but I often wish for...
Apple introduced its long-awaited Journal app for iPhone in iOS 17.2. Here is everything you need to know about using Journal. Apple in June 2023...
iOS Journal App: "Couldn't Transcribe Audio" Hi there, When using the audio recording functionality within the Journal app, I've noticed that I cannot get the transcript of what I've dictated. Has anyone else run into this problem and found a way around it? I've recently updated to ...
I like the idea of a journal app that doesn't require a subscription (ie DayOne), but I need to be able to export and print my journal. When I go back and look at what I wrote I don't want to have to go back to each entry, open it up, copy and paste information. DayO...
通过电子邮件或公开链接邀请安装 Beta 版 iOS 或 iPadOS App 在用于测试的 iOS 或 iPadOS 设备上安装 TestFlight。 在设备上打开电子邮件邀请并轻点“在 TestFlight 中查看”,或者轻点公开链接。 如果你是第一次测试此 App,轻点“接受”,然后轻点“安装”,以将 App 下载到设备上。
This. And because I prefer to journal by using a pen, this app will not replace my routine using GoodNotes on the iPad. However, I see a use case as a...