比起 Day One 等成熟的第三方日记应用,Journal 现在的基础功能确实不多,自定义的空间更小。但简单也是一种选择,核心的拍照、录音、定位等功能 Journal 已经具备,况且它还是免费的,不像一些应用订阅了高级版才能添加语音、视频等内容。如果和社交媒体相较,Journal 又是一个更好的「情绪垃圾桶」。我的微信朋友...
引入日记应用更新不够,应用来凑。Journal 是一款全新出现的App,它类似一个独立手记,能够帮助 iPhone 用户通过日记的方式来记录生活中的点滴,支持包括相片、音乐、播客、地点在内多种类型的输入。并且实现了端到端的加密,一些功能用户本人可以进行解锁操作,这个APP的出现,对于一些手账爱好者来说,可以说是精准推送...
Now that your app permissions are set up, let's dive into the process of creating a journal entry. Whether you want to capture a special moment, reflect on your day, or simply jot down your thoughts, the Journal app offers several customizations for your entries. To create a new journal ...
The Journal app is only available to those running theiOS 17.2. First launch of the Journal app When launching the Journal app for the first time, Apple does its best to instill privacy best practices, such as locking the app when closed and how suggestions are all created and stored locall...
“My Journal” app I cannot access my entries in My Journal app. How to I get them! 2 years ago 1515 1 1 reply Sort By: Rank Page content loaded User profile for user: MacMikeInOK MacMikeInOK User level: Level 4 3,691 points Mar 24, 2024 6:34 AM in response to Ricko16...
The Journal app is one example of how Apple continues to invest in new iPhone features on a yearly basis.
Apple plans to launch a Journal app with iOS 17, complete with prompts pulled from your contacts, photos, music, and more. However, without greater user controls, using AI to repackage life as content is a little half-baked.
I was excited to hear about the Journal app, but assumed it could be used across devices via iCloud. For me, it's almost pointless to use it until it does. It doesn't look like it's something that will come to MacOS anytime soon, maybe not even iPadOS, which is confounding. I ...
Apple introduced its long-awaited Journal app for iPhone in iOS 17.2. Here is everything you need to know about using Journal. Apple in June 2023...
This won't fix mental health issues. It will compound them. The beauty of having an actual journal is that it does non of the stated 'benefits' of an app. It's you, the paper and the pen. Freedom to write what you like in quiet solitude. The journal cannot bring up a youtube vi...