今年 6 月,苹果在开发者大会官宣了一款全新的原生 app:Journal(手记)。顾名思义,这是一本以手机为纸笔的数字日记。▲ 图片来自:Apple 10 月底,Journal 终于在 iOS 17.2 开发者测试版亮相。刚更新完系统,它就出现在了主屏幕,等待着用户将它启封。纸质笔记、社交媒体、第三方日记软件,都可以拿来记录生活...
2. 全新日志 App(Journal App) 苹果正式在 iOS 17.2 更新中替 iPhone 推出的全新「日志 App」 Journal App,这是一款能够让 iPhone 用户随手纪录自己日常生活想法、人生大事、重要精彩活动与经历,并能够添加照片、录音、音乐等档案,日后也能利用个人化日志建议回顾或从中取得新灵感,同时日志 Journal App 功能还包含底...
可直接通过桌面小组件完成待办事项、播放暂停歌曲、控制智能家居等操作。 5、Siri更简单 iOS17新系统中,“嘿Siri”去除了“嘿”,现在我们只需要说Siri便能唤醒它,并可以识别后面的命令。 6、Journal:独立手记APP Journal 是iOS 17中加入的全新“手记”App,可以将详细信息添加到任何包含照片、音乐、录音等的条目中,...
Apple近日发布了 iOS 17 预览版,为电话 app、FaceTime 通话 app 和信息 app 的通信体验带来重大提升,让隔空投送分享更轻松,同时改进打字的速度与准度,让输入更加智能。iOS 17 还带来两项全新体验:Journal app 能帮助用户轻松记录值得感恩的日常点滴,StandBy 则能以全新方式让用户在 iPhone 放在一旁充电时一目了然...
There's also another wrinkle that took me a while to realize. Journal is just another way to lock you into iOS and the Apple ecosystem. Imagine that a year goes by and you made hundreds of posts, all of which are stored on your iPhone. Would you just throw away that diary and ...
The journal app is available in iOS 17.2, which can be downloaded on modern iPhones now. Here's how to get it: Open Settings. Tap General. Choose Software Update. You may notice some other new features in iOS 17.2. The update also includes the ability to change the default alert ...
以下是芝麻妹汇总的iOS 17.2值得关注的核心新功能与新变化。 一、手记APP上线 iOS 17.2新增了一个「手记」APP,英文名称为 Journal,它相当于是一个高阶版备忘录,不仅支持文字、图片、位置信息,还可以插入声音、视频等媒体文件。在阅读过程中还可添加书签以便日后查找,无论是生活,还是工作中,用它做随手记太方便了...
导读:苹果周一宣布,随着 iOS 17.2 的发布,苹果正式推出了Journal 应用程序。这款新应用程序于6 月份在 WWDC上首次发布,旨在鼓励用户反思日常生活时刻并记录特殊事件。 该应用程序可让您通过文本、照片、视频、录音、位置等捕捉这些时刻。Journal 还利用人工智能为用户提供个性化的日记条目建议。例如,该应用程序可能会鼓励...
I like the idea of a journal app that doesn't require a subscription (ie DayOne), but I need to be able to export and print my journal. When I go back and look at what I wrote I don't want to have to go back to each entry, open it up, copy and paste information. DayO...
Journal is Apple’s new journaling app for iOS iOS 17 also includes keyboard updates, including enhancements to autocorrect. It now relies on a new language model for better accuracy, plus an easier shortcut to revert to the original word you wrote if necessary. There’s now in-line predicti...