今年 6 月,苹果在开发者大会官宣了一款全新的原生 app:Journal(手记)。顾名思义,这是一本以手机为纸笔的数字日记。▲ 图片来自:Apple 10 月底,Journal 终于在 iOS 17.2 开发者测试版亮相。刚更新完系统,它就出现在了主屏幕,等待着用户将它启封。纸质笔记、社交媒体、第三方日记软件,都可以拿来记录生活...
苹果推出最新的iOS 17.2,当中连同iPhone 15 Pro上面的立体影片录影,让你在Vision Pro上观看;还有就是WWDC当中提到的日记APP,让你透过文字、照片和录音去记录当刻的心情,让你在未来的日子重新感受!你们有写日记的习惯吗?科技 数码 AI APP 软件 手机 ios17.2 手记app 日记 ios 应用程式 日记app ...
Apple's Journal app is simple. I've been testing it on a beta version of iOS for a month. When you open the app — you can lock its contents with Apple's FaceID — you're brought to a screen with a list of your entries and a single "+" button. Pressing the plus button...
Apple has officially released iOS 17 for general users with tons of coolnew features, ranging from a few likeContact PostersandFaceTime effectsthat you will absolutely use daily to some that you will forget once the novelty wears off. However, the Journal app was missing from iOS 17 at launc...
and experiences. The app uses on-device smarts to compile different data types and come up with a report. These include photos you've shot on a certain day, in addition, to text you're prompted to type. Those interested in Journal will have to wait for a future iOS 17.x update, ...
苹果手记日记Journal App苹果版是一个信息记录类软件,可以帮助我们记录好生活的内容,什么类型的内容都能记录下来,不管是视频还是文字都能记录好,效率都非常的高,笔记信息都会自动的去区分,保存到指定的位置查询起来都非常的便利,记录环境很安全。 软件特色
Apple近日发布了 iOS 17 预览版,为电话 app、FaceTime 通话 app 和信息 app 的通信体验带来重大提升,让隔空投送分享更轻松,同时改进打字的速度与准度,让输入更加智能。iOS 17 还带来两项全新体验:Journal app 能帮助用户轻松记录值得感恩的日常点滴,StandBy 则能以全新方式让用户在 iPhone 放在一旁充电时一目...
iOS 17 的其他功能还包括:- Safari浏览器app为无痕浏览添加更多保护,跟踪与指纹保护进一步升级,阻止网站跟踪或识别用户设备。无痕浏览窗口在未使用时会锁定,让用户在离开设备时也能放心保持标签页打开。- 用户可以和一组受信赖的联系人分享密码,更轻松、更安全地分享密码和通行密钥。组内所有成员都可以添加和编辑...
Apple announcedJournal back in June at WWDC. It's part of iOS 17, but unlike other features, it needed more time to bake and wasn't included in the September release of the new iPhone software. I've been testing it for a month, with thepublic beta version of iOS 17.2, and the...
iOS 17 让 iPhone 更个性、操作更简便,通信类 app 带来重大升级,让隔空投送分享更加轻松,文字输入更加智能,并推出 Journal app 与 Standby 功能,带来全新体验! 信息 app 推出平安确认功 - 文峻-Peter-He于20230606发布在抖音,已经收获了32.1万个喜欢,来抖音