购买链接: 科技 数码 测评 评测 苹果 苹果手机 iPhone Apple iPhone 15 油管科技TV 发消息 第一时间搬运世界各地各种科技类开箱和测评视频!合作邮箱:hao0589@gmail.com接下来播放 自动连播 别买iPhone 15!它是真不行【值不值得买...
这意味着,苹果中国的App Store将不得不移除众多外国应用程序,其中包括苹果自家公司开发的应用。 苹果中国的App Store是众多iPhone用户获取和使用社交媒体平台的重要渠道之一。目前,这个应用商店中提供了Instagram、Twitter、Facebook、YouTube以及WhatsApp等5款最流行的全球社交媒体平台。然而,随着国家互联网信息办公室新规的...
Iphone 15 issue with Youtube app in landscape mode I am recently seeing this in iphone 15 (sw 17.4.1); when i am watching a video on youtube in portrait mode and change the screen to landscape mode, the video doesnot fill up the screen automatically in landscape mode rather the screen...
从之前曝光的数据来看,iPhone 15系列的电池容量普遍有所提升。其中,iPhone 15的电池容量为3349mAh,Plus版本的电池容量是4383mAh,Pro版本配备3274mAh电池,Pro Max版本则是4422mAh电池。看似提升不明显,但实际使用效果如何,我们还需要通过实际测试获得答案。YouTube频道TechDroider对iPhone 15 Pro Max进行了一项续航测... 2023 Apple 係香港時間 13/9 凌晨一點正式開始秋季發佈會!推出 iPhone 15、15 Plus、15 Pro 同 15 Pro Max!另外亦推出 Apple Watch Series 9 同 Apple Watch Ultra 2,一齊睇睇懶人包啦! Facebook | Maviskuku 雞蛋妹►
The YouTube experience on the iPhone is slightly different between the Safari browser and the official YouTube app. Here's what's different, and the advantages and disadvantages.
You could skip this review and just buy the Elgato Prompter, it is that good. But there are issues, particularly if you shoot video with an iPhone. William Gallagher | 1 year ago 3 YouTube Music adds HomePod integration to its iOS app Google has finally added support for Apple's Home...
iPhone Mac iPad Watch Vision AirPods TV Forgot Apple Account password Apple Repair Billing and subscriptions Search for more topics Search SupportSearch Support Apple Support on YouTube Check out our official YouTube channel to get the most out of the latest features, devices, and services. ...
【手机中国新闻】近日,据外媒报道,一位英国男子在苹果英国官网购买了一台最新的iPhone 15 Pro Mac手机,但是收到快递打开使用后,他却傻眼了。 假iPhone 15 Pro Max手机盒 该男子表示,自己从苹果英国官网订购了iPhone 15 Pro Max。其特地对快递流程进行了监控,并没有发现有什么异常。但收到包裹后,他却感觉包装有...
Apple has finally ditched its Lightning port in favor of USB-C, but how does this change benefit iPhone users? Let's find out.