In terms of overall silhouette, the iPhone 15 is identical to the iPhone 14, which is practically the same as the iPhone 13. While the overall shape and...
If dont mind changing from ios to android. You better served with a Pixel 7pro or google 8 or even samsung Reply Post your opinion Sort by: To top ◄1…9 10 11…21► To footerTotal of 418 user reviews and opinions for Apple iPhone 15....
While early YouTube 'testing' painted a grim picture of the longevity of the new Pro iPhones, we can't really speak to it ourselves. What we do know is that the iPhone 15 Pro is once again IP68-rated, exceeding the standard's requirements (1.5m for 30 min) - Apple's handsets are ...
2.4.1To ensure people get the most out of your app, iPhone apps should run on iPad whenever possible. We encourage you to consider building apps so customers can use them onall of their devices. 2.4.2Design your app to use power efficiently and be used in a way that does not risk da...
"Thanks to the new material, chamfers and finish, the iPhone 15 Pro Max looks and feels identical to the iPhone 14/15 Plus. And that is something core Apple fans may find hard to swallow." ?!!! You don't think people will notice the 3 v 2 cameras ? Reply J JLC pa7 29 Sep ...
KR-12 地区年龄分级:Apple 全球年龄分级为 12 岁以上的 App 和游戏。韩国游戏分级和管理委员会 (GRAC) 可能会将该组中的某些 App 和游戏评定为 KR-15 地区年龄分级。如果出现这种情况,App Review 将联系受影响的开发者。 GRAC 可能会将某些 App 和游戏评定为 KR-19 地区年龄分级。此分级将采用文字表示,而不...
The iPhone 15 Pro Max display is certified for both HDR10 and Dolby Vision support. The iPhone has all the necessary DRM certifications, as you would expect, allowing third-party services like Netflix or YouTube to offer HDR streams. There is one more thing worth mentioning - Apple does its...
向App Review 提供 App 的完整访问权限。如果你的 App 包含基于账户的功能,请提供有效的演示账户或全功能演示模式,以及审核 App 时所需的任何其他硬件或资源 (例如登录凭证或样本二维码) 启用后台服务,以使其在审核期间处于活动及可访问状态 在App 审核的备注中附上与非明显功能及 App 内购买项目相关的详细说明,如...
The iPhone 15 impresses with its reliable quality, delivering vibrant images on HDR screens. Its Quad-Bayer image sensor enhances image quality and enables seamless 2x tele zooming.
I'm loving the iPhone 15 pro max each day! LOL Reply a abubasim 64M 27 Jan 2024 Why no 48MP photo of the front of Vitosha Hall ? Apple requested that you do not show this ? That seems to be a tendency in your reviews, when shooting any photos using the camera's native resolut...