Apple 近来逐步地为旗下非预载在 iOS 装置上的 app 带来更新,继 Podcasts 之后便轮到 Find My Friends。除了 UI 变了一点之外,Apple 还带来了更准确的搜寻朋友设定,用户可以自行设定朋友在距离自己多远才发出通知,只要拉动上图中间的紫色环就可以了,调整的时候它会实时显示距离有多少。另外,用户也可以设定自己离开...
Easily locate your Apple devices, items with an AirTag, compatible third-party products, and friends and family — all with the Find My app.
My friends can’t see my location;“no location found” I haven’t had issues with Find My iPhone before so this is a first. This issue occured sometime last year at the end of summer. I am sharing locations with my friends and I can see their locations but they can’t see mines....
The Find My Friends app and the Find My iPhone app were combined in the release of iOS 13 in 2019. Both are now within an app called 'Find My'. The Find My app has a grey background with a green circle and the blue location circle in the centre. It doesn't automatically take the...
苹果Find My是Find My iPhone(查找我的iPhone)和Find My Friends(查找朋友)的结合体,新系统中苹果为了追求简洁,于是把这两个应用整合到一块了。Find My作用于iOS13、iPadOS(苹果为iPad定制的新系统)以及macOS 10.15,其核心功能依然是寻找遗失的设备。实际上Find My的功能变得更强大了。以前的Find My iPhone,不管...
Public link metrics.Find out how successful your public link is at enrolling testers for your app withnew metrics. Understand how many testers viewed your invite in the TestFlight app and chose to accept it. If you’ve set criteria for the public link, you can also view how many testers ...
要加入 Beta 版“Life360: Find Friends & Family”测试,请先在 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 上安装 TestFlight,然后打开链接。 使用TestFlight App帮助开发者测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App。请在App Store中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch和 iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。
Apple’s iOS 13 is going to bring several overhauls over previous versions with system-wide dark mode, undo gestures and special iPad features like multiple windowed apps. Today news broke out that Apple is also working on merging its Find my iPhone and Find my ...
Today news broke out that Apple is also working on merging its Find my iPhone and Find my Friends apps in a single one under the “Green Torch” code name. Thanks to the new universal app framework - Marzipan the new tracking app will come in both iOS and...
Tagged Dating App: Meet & Chat Ifwe Inc. 37 IMVU: 3D Avatar Chat & Style IMVU 38 KakaoTalk Kakao Corp. 39 InMessage: Meet, Chat, Date Mobile Flame 40 TikTok Now TikTok Ltd. 41 Findo: Find my Friends, Phone BPMobile 42 BiP - Messenger, Video Call ...