Apple 近来逐步地为旗下非预载在 iOS 装置上的 app 带来更新,继 Podcasts 之后便轮到 Find My Friends。除了 UI 变了一点之外,Apple 还带来了更准确的搜寻朋友设定,用户可以自行设定朋友在距离自己多远才发出通知,只要拉动上图中间的紫色环就可以了,调整的时候它会实时显示距离有多少。另外,用户也可以设定自己离开...
Apple's Find My iPhone on an iPhone XS Max. Jason Cipriani/CNET Appleis reportedly planning to combine its Find MyiPhoneand Find My Friends apps into a single app while also adding personal item tracking. The app, code-named GreenTorch, will have all the features of the individual app...
The app extends the functionality of the current Find My iPhone feature, which sends GPS or WiFi-based location data between two devices. Instead of only being able to send location data between two devices registered under one Apple ID, Find My Friends allows users to broadcast to any...
Hi! If Find My is enabled on their iPhone and it has Internet connection, they’ll be able to log into their Apple ID and view the location of their device here: Once they’ve logged in, they can click ‘Find My’ to view the location of their iPhone. Re...
i’m sharing my location with a friend on find my and we can see each others locations, but from yesterday when i look at their location normally it should say “X minutes ago” next to their name (or now) but instead it says “tomorrow”. I’m on IOS 17.3.1 if it matters. ...
But the Find My App can do more, combining key features of Find My iPhone and Find My Friends to help you pinpoint the location of family and friends who wish to share their whereabouts. And you can share your own location so people you know can find you. Let's see what it can do...
Find your friends. Invite people to share their location with you, using Find My friends. Then you can keep in touch with one another, easily find your friends in a crowd, or know when a family member has arrived home safely. See where everyone is on a map. ...
以下用户的用户个人资料: sjtu117 sjtu117作者 用户级别:级别 1 4 积分 ...
Charlie Sorrel
在使用相同Apple ID的苹果设备上注销Apple帐户,包括iCloud,iTunes商店,App Store,FaceTime,Find My Friends,Find My iPhone和iMessage等。 转到管理Apple ID页面并登录帐户。 登录后,搜索Apple ID和主电子邮件地址部分,然后单击Apple ID电子邮件旁边的编辑按钮。然后输入新的电子邮件地址,单击保存按钮。