email. To check the status of your enrollment, sign in to youraccounton the developer website with the Apple Account you used to enroll. If you haven’t received a membership confirmation within 24 hours of your purchase,contact us. Make sure to include your Enrollment ID with your support...
Developer FooterThis site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of...
To become an Apple Developer Program member, you can enroll as an individual or enroll your organization. Learn about what you’ll need and the requirements to enroll. Start your enrollment Enrolling as an individual If you’re an individual or sole proprietor/single person business, you’ll ne...
But when I go to: I get a message: Your enrollment could not be completed. Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time. it's really a generic error message that doesn't tell much. I'm trying to ... 123 UDP iOS、iPadOS、Apple tvOS、macOS 和 visionOS 供设备用来设置日期和时间 — 123 UDP 仅限macOS 供设备用来设置日期和时间 — 设备管理 已在MDM 中注册的 Apple 设备需要访问以下主机和域。 主机 端口 123 UDP iOS、iPadOS、Apple tvOS、macOS 和 visionOS 供设备用来设置日期和时间 — 123 UDP 仅限macOS 供设备用来设置日期和时间 — 设备管理 已在MDM 中注册的 Apple 设备需要访问以下主机和域。 主机 端口
Apple Developer Enrollment Error Hello. What should I do? I have been trying to create an Apple developer account for several weeks now. When I try from a phone or tablet, I get an error sending the request, from a computer it constantly throws me to a page with an "unrecognized error...
道法自然 > 日一二三四五六 2930311234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930311 234578 可以直接填CompanyId,已经通过,应该是app store自己没有更新的问题
iOS Developer Program, Enrollment Pending. i purchased iOS Dev Prog , i got a mail saying "order aacknoledged " after 2 days i didnt get any e mail, when i go to the member center it says "Enrollment Pending" "Purchase and Activate" Again i entered my card details , then i got a...