My Developer account enrollment status is showing Pending. How long I should wait , It has been more than 10 days now. I paid $99 and did not received email as well for further process. Can anybody suggest where should I ask for further process? Up vote post of wecode Down vote post...
Participants1 I have been trying to set up an organizational Developer account. We are a non-profit organization. I've entered all of the necessary information to open the account and have entered my supervior's email for account approval. My supervisor has not received an email to approve ...
I have been trying to enroll in apple developer account as individual but i don’t understand why apple is so complicated in this case in all situations. The first thing apple they wont show some good user experience after paying the money as account status will be pending forever and it ...
I tried to apply for the developer account from September to November. But the status is always "Pending". I reached out to Apple support and they said they cannot receive my payment from bank. The bank transaction is "Pending" as well. I asked the bank support and they said they have...
iOS Developer Program, Enrollment Pending. i purchased iOS Dev Prog , i got a mail saying "order aacknoledged " after 2 days i didnt get any e mail, when i go to the member center it says "Enrollment Pending" "Purchase and Activate" Again i entered my card details , then i got a...
1- Visit the Apple Developer Account enrollment page by opening 2- In the Apple ID box, enter a value to represent an Id. 3- In the Password box, enter a password. 4- If you don’t have an Apple ID yet, Click the create yours now button. Th...
Program Enrollment pending I have a problem with the developer account. I have paid 99$ for enrollment program. then I have uploaded an identity card but until now there has been no response from Apple. Please help me to solve this problem Thanks 2 years ago 1165 1 Apple Developer Progr...
道法自然 > 日一二三四五六 2930311234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930311 234578 可以直接填CompanyId,已经通过,应该是app store自己没有更新的问题 443 TCP iOS、iPadOS、Apple tvOS 和 macOS 当客户端通过设备注册过程在 Apple 校园教务管理或 Apple 商务管理中注册时,供 MDM 服务器用来上传客户端使用的注册描述文件,还可用来查找设备和账户 是 443 TCP