你可以通过两种方式在 iOS 设备上的“邮件”App 中设置电子邮件账户:自动或手动。了解哪种方式更适合你。 如果你使用常见的电子邮件服务提供商,则可以自动设置 如果你使用 iCloud、Google、Microsoft Exchange 或 Yahoo 等电子邮件服务提供商,则“邮件”只需你的电子邮件地址和密码,即可自动设置你的电子邮件账户。具体...
At Apple, we are always working to create the best experience for our customers, which is why we design products that last. Designing for longevity is a company-wide effort, informing our earliest decisions long before the first prototype is built and guided by historical customer-use data and...
At Apple, we are always working to create the best experience for our customers, which is why we design products that last. Designing for longevity is a company-wide effort, informing our earliest decisions long before the first prototype is built and guided by historical customer-use data and...
以下用户的用户个人资料: coolomg coolomg 用户级别:级别 1 0 积分
Contact Apple Customer Service. Find Apple Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and Apple FAQ. Speak with Customer Service, Call Tech Support, Get Online Help for Account Login.
email address for what? In or out of warranty you can get a free over the counter 'Apple Service Diagnostics' test /assessment Make an appointment for a "hardware issue"— https://www.apple.com/retail/geniusbar/ Outside the USA https://locate.apple.com/country Call Customer Support (800...
使用“隐藏邮件地址”,你可以随机创建唯一的电子邮件地址来与 App 和网站等搭配使用,从而确保你个人电子邮件地址的私密性。这项服务内建在“通过 Apple 登录”功能和 iCloud+ 订阅中。 “隐藏邮件地址”是一项服务,无论是在 App 中创建新账户,在线注册简报,通过 Apple Pay 进行购买,还是向不熟悉的人发送电子邮件...
Beats support: (800) 442–4000 (U.S.) or see all worldwide support telephone numbers Get ASL Support through SignTime You can also receive AppleCare service and support in American Sign Language (ASL). Connect to an interpreter If you are a customer with a disability and utilize our access...
"Apple Support pages where users may post their questions to the User to User community for help: Chinese -..." User name:Carol B. User level:Level 6 15,085 points Read full postLinks for Apple International Support User profile for user: Lawrence Finch ...
Email support Ive been noticing ever since I created a new gmail account on my iPhone that was in safari when I did it I’ve never forwarded my icloud account to any account but when I go to open my mail app and look for a message that was to be sent to me when I open the ...