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email address for what? In or out of warranty you can get a free over the counter 'Apple Service Diagnostics' test /assessment Make an appointment for a "hardware issue"— Outside the USA Call Customer Support (800...
在中国大陆或印度创建新 Apple 账户时,你可以使用手机号码登录你的 Apple 账户。 功能概述 每次设置 iPhone 或 iPad 时,你都可以选择是登录现有 Apple 账户,还是创建新账户。在中国大陆和印度,如果你在运行 iOS 11 或更高版本的 iPhone 上创建新的 Apple 账户,则可以将手机号码用于登录你的 Apple 账户。如果你...
"Apple Support pages where users may post their questions to the User to User community for help: Chinese -..." User name:Carol B. User level:Level 6 15,085 points Read full postLinks for Apple International Support User profile for user: Lawrence Finch ...
When your dispute begins processing, a confirmation email is sent to your Apple Account email address. You may receive a temporary credit for the disputed amount. While your dispute is being investigated, you aren't required to pay the disputed amount or any related interest charges. ...
Get an iCloud Email Address . From the Email Address screen, enter your preferred email then tap Continue . The email address entered becomes the Apple ID. Tap Create Email Address to confirm. Enter the password into the required fields then tap ...
1求大神翻译Dear Apple Customer,Thank you for contacting Apple. Messages sent to this email address aren’t monitored. Below are links to some Apple websites that you might find helpful.Get support for an Apple product: support?---Use Contact Apple Support to ...
From code to customer Join the Apple Developer Program to reach customers around the world on the App Store for all Apple platforms. Membership provides the tools, resources, and support you need to develop and distribute apps and games, including access to app services, testing tools, app anal...
Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.
How to Whitelist an Email Address in iCloud iCloud Tired of missing important emails in iCloud? Learn how to whitelist an email address and make sure you receive all the messages you need. ByAya Masango Mar 12, 2023 5 Reasons to Use Apple's Mail App on Your Mac ...