It is possible that -tsappend- will take long time on a large dataset. -tsappend- is ado-code and with unbalanced data, it needs to loop through each panel in your dataset, which might take a while. I believe that Stata is not hanging, it's just taking a while to do the task th...
Appending multiple Excel sheets in a dataset ORIGINAL QUESTION While importing a large dataset in work, I noticed some unexpected behaviour where Stata appears to "forget" a local macro, when using the append command. This seems all the more ... foreach append stata stata-macros SeánMcK 4...
Hello, I appended to my master dataset a dataset in which a couple of variables (existing also in master as byte) are formated as string. Stata produces no error but solely a note (note: hzlokal is str1 in using data but will be byte now). However, it does not append any data but...
Dear Statalisters, I have a problem using outtex, append after xtlogit, fe. I am a Stata 7 user. My commands are as follows. xtlogit dep ind1 ind2 ind3, fe outtex, below plain level details legend file(lattab1) replace xtlogit dep ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5, fe outtex, below ...
Subject RE: st: RE: How can I append tabout output in Excel using logout? Date Wed, 28 Apr 2010 11:22:09 +0100Thanks for this. My answer is the same. I think you are better off with -collapse- or -statsby-. The reason is this: you seem to want a dataset of results. You ...