4.4. Append Datasets DescriptionStata CodePandas Code Load example data use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/capop.dta and use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/txpop.dta capop = pd.read_stata('http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/capop.dta') and txpop = pd.read_stata...
append : combine datasets by stacking merge : merge datasets (one-to-one or match merge) encode : generate numeric variable from categorical variable recode : recode categorical variable destring : convert string variables to numeric foreach : loop over elements of a list, performing a block of ...
交叠处理下,异质性处理效应使得TWFE有偏,很多新的估计量已经出现了。 堆叠DID(stacked did)是应对交叠处理偏误的一种方法。近些年,在应用研究中广泛采用,例如,Cengiz et al.,2019; Deshpande and Li, 2019; Butters et al., 2022; Callison and Kaestner, 2014。我对堆叠 DID 产生兴趣是江西财大的王岳龙老师...
交叠处理下,异质性处理效应使得TWFE有偏,很多新的估计量已经出现了。 堆叠DID(stacked did)是应对交叠处理偏误的一种方法。近些年,在应用研究中广泛采用,例如,Cengiz et al.,2019; Deshpande and Li, 2019; Butters et al., 2022; Callison and Kaestner, 2014。我对堆叠 DID 产生兴趣是江西财大的王岳龙老师...
append : combine datasets by stacking merge : merge datasets (one-to-one or match merge) encode : generate numeric variable from categorical variable recode : recode categorical variable destring : convert string variables to numeric foreach : loop over elements of a list, performing a block of...
史上最全的 Stata 外部命令一览,可以在线查看帮助文件。 Source:Archive of user-written Stata packages 导言 这里汇集了截至 2015年1月1日 为止的所有 Stata 外部命令。可以在线查看每个外部命令的帮助文件。 对于感兴趣的命令,可以使用findit在 Stata 命令窗口中搜索后下载,亦可直接使用ssc install命令直接下载。
Resultssets in resultsframes in Stata 16–plus Frame 5 of 21 Example 1: Using xframeappend to append multiple resultsframes In the xauto data, we start by creating an empty frame frankie, and then loop over 4 variables, whose means we want to estimate. For each variable, we use regress...
use[D] use append, merge[U] 22 Combining datasets compress[D] compress Inputting data into Stata[U] 21 Inputting and importing data import[D] import edit[D] edit Basic data reporting describe[D] describe codebook[D] codebook list[D] list browse[D] edit ...
clear all * Loop through the datasets to append them together forvalues i = 1/25 { * Import each dataset, treating "Nan" as missing import csv "data`i'.csv", clear missingvalue("Nan") * If it's the first dataset, save it to a new file; otherwise, append to the existing dataset...
xes and would use merge to combine the datasets.2The forvalues command would be used when you want to loop over numbers rather than letters or variables.clearuse w& 37、#39; hid w' tenure w' hhsize w' nkids w' fihhyr using $dir/ w' hhrespsort w' hidmerge w' hidusing w' ind...