The contribution of this work is threefold. First, we introduce the first large-scale dataset for appearance-based gaze estimation in the wild. Our dataset is one order of magnitude larger than existing datasets and significantly more variable with respect to illumination and appearance. Second, we...
论文下载链接:《Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation in the Wild》 Inroduction 基于外观的视线估计一直是一个难题,随着单目摄像头的普及,利用单目摄像头进行视线估计是很有前景的研究方向。但当前的数据集都是在受控的实验室下完成采集,眼睛外观变化有限,如果换到其他数据集上,泛化能力较差。为此,作者公开了MPIIGaze数据...
In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognitio... 查看原文 创新实训日记二:通过tensorflow利用cnn对视线数据集进行训练 本周的主要任务是利用cnn完成视线追踪模型的初步训练,根据论文Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation in the Wild中的实现方法(如下图),我们本周在未进行图像处理的前提下,通过将眼部...
在使用神经网络解决Gaze Estimation的问题上,Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation in the Wild是非常基础的一篇论文。本篇博客主要尝试简单介绍论文使用的主要方法,并大致总结论文作者所得出的结论。 论文概述 本篇论文主要分为三个方面: 介绍了论文作者收集制作的MPIIGaze数据集。 介绍了一种使用了CNN作为主要方法的Gaze ...
Appearance-based gaze estimation is believed to work well in real-world settings, but existing datasets have been collected under controlled laboratory conditions and methods have been not evaluated across multiple datasets. In this work we study appearance-based gaze estimation in the wild. We presen...
convolutional networks),上篇博客总结的方法(Appearancebased gaze estimation in the wild),iTracker,只考虑双眼部分的iTracker,修改为AlexNet的ITracker。 在与两个数据集,2D与3D两种问题的对比上,论文作者提出的空间权重CNN方法均取得了最好的表现。其中,2D问题上各方法在EYEDIAP数据集上的准确率均低于MPIIGaze数据集,...
Gaze estimation methods have significantly matured in recent years, but the large number of eye images required to train deep learning models poses significant privacy risks. In addition, the heterogeneous data distribution across different users can significantly hinder the training process. In this wor...
Zhang, X., Sugano, Y., Fritz, M., Bulling, A.: Appearance-based gaze estimation in the wild. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 4511–4520 (2015) Zhang, Z., Hu, Y., Liu, M., Huang, T.: Head pose estimation in seminar room ...
Facial appearance refers to the physical characteristics of a person's face, including facial expressions, textures, and geometric features, which are essential for automated detection and analysis in computer science applications. AI generated definition based on: Displays, 2022 ...
作者使用的方法出自于论文Learning-by-synthesis for appearance-based 3d gaze estimation. 4.2 数据标准化 4.3 多模态CNN的视线估计 这个神经网络类似于LeNet网络,简单比较一下,发现该CNN最后的全连接层比CNN少了一层。头部角度向量h被加在全连接层的输出上。