诉诸权威(Appeal to authority),指的是不提供其他证据进行论证直接,将权威的言论用以支持或者证实某一论点。诉诸权威是一个比较特殊的谬误,因为这种论证有时也是有效的。其背后是可废止推理或归纳推理的逻辑,所以不像演绎推理那么保真。需要注意的是,认为权威一定比普通人知道的更多,所以他们的言论更有说服力,是一种...
诉诸权威(Appeal to Authority) 错谬〔一〕:诉诸讨论的范畴以外的权威人士。 匿名权威(Anonymous Authority) 错谬:匿… blog.csdn.net|基于96个网页 2. 诉诸权威的谬误 如果就这样结案,那麽我们就犯了逻辑推理上常见的「诉诸权威的谬误」(Appeal to Authority)。要肯定或否定「逆渗透水与 … ...
Appeal to authority: Is the person cited an authority in the area at issue? Is the question one that can now be settled by an appeal to experts? Is the citation correct? Does the person appealed to have an interest in twisting or falsifying the facts? “I realize that some will wonder...
不当诉诸权威有许多不同的方面。 仅仅因为某人是权威,并不意味着她/他实际上是该主题的专家,也不意味着她/他是道德的,或者她/他是正确的。 从逻辑上来说,IAA是有问题的,因为它意味着我们在利用某人来为我们的主张辩护时,这个人与我们的主张没有真正的联系,或者不是一个好的理由。它所依赖的是一种假设,即...
appeal to authority 诉诸权威 appeal to local authority旧指向官府控告 This fact has helped building an atmosphere of blind appeal to authority.此一客观事实,层层环扣,造成了一种不深思,迷信权威的风气。
Furthermore, this term is sometimes used specifically to refer to arguments that rely on false authority (e.g., someone whose expertise is irrelevant to the discussion). Appeals to authority play a major role in discussions on various topics, so it’s important to understand them. As such, ...
Appealtoauthority:诉诸权威 Appeal to authority:∙Is the person cited an authority in the area at issue?∙Is the question one that can now be settled by an appeal to experts?∙Is the citation correct?∙Does the person appealed to have an interest in twisting or falsifying the facts?...
#逻辑谬误# ⑱appeal to authority 诉诸权威诉诸权威是 “以人为据”的一种特殊表现。它以权威人士的只言片语为论据来肯定一个论题,或以权威人士从未提出过某命题为论据来否定一个论题。总之,对论题不作任何论证...
Goodwin, J. (2011). Accounting for the appeal to the authority of experts. Argumentation, 25: 285-296.Goodwin, Jean. 2011. "Accounting for the Appeal to the Authority of Experts". Argumentation 25 (3):285-96.Goodwin, J. (2011). Accounting for the appeal to the authority of experts. ...