Try CCleaner for Mac to clean up clutter and keep your browsing behavior private. Download the world's favorite Mac cleaning tool for free.
CleanCache - Cache Cleaner 4+ MD TOUHIDUL ISLAM 免費 螢幕截圖描述 Your MacBook, iMac or Mac mini keeps cache files to make tasks faster but old caches are not necessary so we need to clean them to save our storage. Every day various softwares generate cache files which files need to ...
To clear the WhatsApp cache on a Windows 11 or Windows 10 laptop or desktop, we can use the CCleaner app. CCleaner is a third-party application that can optimize the system as well as clear caches of any given program. To know how to do the same, check the aforementioned steps. Also...
Appcache cleaner 1.1 版本号 2023-03-06 更新时间 0 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 清除HTML 5 appcache 和缓存。 构建离线应用程序? 需要一个简单高效的工具来清理 appcache 和缓存? 这个扩展是给你的! 它允许您清除 HTML 5 appcache 和缓存(JS,...)。
CleanCache - Cache Cleaner 4+ MD TOUHIDUL ISLAM 免費 螢幕截圖描述 Your MacBook, iMac or Mac mini keeps cache files to make tasks faster but old caches are not necessary so we need to clean them to save our storage. Every day various softwares generate cache files which files need to ...
Try CCleaner for Mac to clean up clutter and keep your browsing behavior private. Download the world's favorite Mac cleaning tool for free.
简单缓存清理(Easy Cache Cleaner) 1.64M / 2021-11-16 / v2.05 安卓版 简单缓存清理(EasyCacheCleaner)是一款清理手机缓存的app,这款清理缓存的app操作简单,可以很快速的删掉手机没有用的垃圾文件,让你的手机运行起来更快和稳定,有需要的可以试一试。简单缓存清理应用介绍超过250万用 点击下载 极速清理 12.39M...
闲杂文件清理:可以扫描手机存储中的 logs、log、cache、caches、tmf、tmp、tlog文件,这些大都是闲杂无用文件 ,可以放心删除 强迫症清理:这个功能会扫描 /storage/emulated/0 下的所有文件(排除了 Pictures、Downloads、Android、DICM 文件夹),方便你针对性的清理 ...
App Cleaner & Uninstaller 下载功能特色 在Mac 上卸载应用程序而不留下任何痕迹 一个智能、直观和高效的解决方案,用于清理您的 Mac 和管理所有类型的扩展。 适用于 Mac 的最佳卸载程序和清洁助手 卸载应用程序和所有不需要的垃圾文件 当您将应用程序拖放到废纸篓时,检查您的 Mac 是否有以前删除的应用程序留在磁盘...
Memory Cleaner – clear inactive RAM memory to get a boost performance. ClearDisk – clear cache and other junk files from your Mac. Disk Expert – analyze your disk space usage and find the bulkiest content. Funter – find hidden files and folders, change your files visibility. ...