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简单缓存清理(Easy Cache Cleaner) 1.64M / 2021-11-16 / v2.05 安卓版 简单缓存清理(EasyCacheCleaner)是一款清理手机缓存的app,这款清理缓存的app操作简单,可以很快速的删掉手机没有用的垃圾文件,让你的手机运行起来更快和稳定,有需要的可以试一试。简单缓存清理应用介绍超过250万用 点击下载 极速清理 12.39M...
Try CCleaner for Android for free and clean up your phone. Speed up your device and maintain your online privacy everywhere.
隐私政策 APP豌豆荚 应用介绍 AppNCache Cleaner应用简介 AppNCache cleaner enables you to manage your Apps and their Cache. This app also enables to auto clear cache at regular intervals and receive alerts for memory size and cache size.Features*1) App Management a) Delete multiple Apps. b) ...
LICENSE_Freepik_icon_monochrome.pdf build.gradle.kts gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradle.kts README AGPL-3.0 license Cache Cleaner Description Since the release of Android 6 (Marshmallow), the option to clear the cache of all apps at once has been restricted by Googl...
闲杂文件清理:可以扫描手机存储中的 logs、log、cache、caches、tmf、tmp、tlog文件,这些大都是闲杂无用文件 ,可以放心删除 强迫症清理:这个功能会扫描 /storage/emulated/0 下的所有文件(排除了 Pictures、Downloads、Android、DICM 文件夹),方便你针对性的清理 ...
while others choose to clean up their app cache occasionally to free up disk space and reduce the risk of crashes. Some people assume clearing the app cache only helps entry-level devices and is not meant forhigh-end smartphoneslike theSamsung S23 Ultra, but there are benefits to all types...
Your MacBook, iMac or Mac mini keeps cache files to make tasks faster but old caches are not necessary so we need to clean them to save our storage. Every day v…
App缓存清除器(App Cache Cleaner) 更新:2013-07-10 17:4 大小:941KB 下载地址 电脑版下载模拟器环境运行 扫描二维码安装到手机 50%(1票) 50%(1票) 同类APP ES文件浏览器永久vip版(ES File Explorer) PikPak app 谷歌Play服务框架2023 谷歌框架安卓版(Google Play 服务) WaveUp软件安卓版 SD女佣SD ...
LICENSE_Freepik_icon_monochrome.pdf build.gradle.kts gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradle.kts README AGPL-3.0 license Cache Cleaner Description Since the release of Android 6 (Marshmallow), the option to clear the cache of all apps at once has been restricted by Googl...