Apollo, Moon-landing project conducted by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the 1960s and ’70s. The project reached its goal with the July 1969 landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon.
Timeline of the Apollo Space Missions What Have We Left on the Moon? Moon Landing: Just the Facts How Many People Have Been to the Moon? 5 Unforgettable Moments in the History of Spaceflight and Space Exploration Discover Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement ...
Prior to the Apollo 13 mission, 36-year-old Haise served as the backup lunar module pilot for the Apollo 8 andApollo 11missions. Haise was a fighter pilot in the U.S. Marine Corps before joining NASA as a test pilot. He was selected for the manned space program in 1966, at the same...
The reason astronauts were quarantined after their missions Skills Practiced Reading awareness- make sure you know the most important information from the lesson on the Apollo Mission space program Remembering details- remember what you've learned about the first time astronauts orbited around the Earth...
(PCM) The popular Science Channel series “NASA’s Unexplained Files” has returned for a new season and provides us with a fascinating look the mysteries of space and the latest evidence for life beyond Earth. The series recently looked at some very early Apollo missions where astronauts report...
including many iconic space programs like the Space Shuttle Program, International Space Station, and Hubble Space Telescope. Gore products have also played a role in missions to the Moon, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. Gore products have enabled technologies that are an integral part of our...
As time goes by, technological advancements have made us learn more facts about space in the past century than in all time before that. We’ve already searched the universe for the most amazing space facts, including facts about the planets in our solar system, moons, the Milky Way and bey...
1998 NASA document Suited for Spacewalking, p.95 asserts that “Mercury demonstrated that humans could live and work in space.” Which is a real departure from the facts: the Mercury program clocked some 54 hours over six missions. Of the six Mercury flights the first two lasted some fifteen...
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IntroductionReferences & Edit HistoryQuick Facts & Related Topics Images Quizzes Famous Astronauts and Cosmonauts Related Questions How is astronomy different from cosmology? What happened during the Apollo 13 mission? Read Next Timeline of the Apollo Space Missions ...