In comparison, the urge to explore space is on the contrary, whose aims are figuratively and literally otherworldly. When the dust settled, the space dreamers failed. There was no any important follow-through to the Apollo missions. The technological compromise eliminated the possibility of any ...
Themoonismuchcloser,andwewerethere,25yearsago.Overthenext10years,wearegoingtoworkonbuildinganewspacecraftthatcangotothemoon.Usingthiscraft,wewillpractisetheskillsweneedtogotoMars. Oncewegettothemoon,wearegoingtobuildastationsothatpeoplecanliveandworkonthemoonformonthsatatime.Thisisimportantsothatwehaveapl...
"It is the next step--next logical step-- in what we do in space in terms of moving beyond low-earth orbit with the ability to go back to the moon, hopefully on to Mars and other destinations," she said. The Apollo missions were quick sorties to gather samples and bring them back ...
"It is the next step--next logical step-- in what we do in space in terms of moving beyond low-earth orbit with the ability to go back to the moon, hopefully on to Mars and other destinations," she said. The Apollo missions were quick sorties to gather samples and bring them back ...
The design for SpaceX's Starship (aka. Big Falcon Rocket) is really starting to come together. Over the holidays, sections of the Starship Hopper (a miniature version of the Starship) were photographed at the company's South Texas Launch Site. By mid-Jan
The planet became an intense emitter of radio waves (TV, cellphone, and radar transmissions.) And something else unprecedented happened: small projectiles launched from the planet escaped the biosphere. Some were propelled into orbits around the Earth; some journeyed to the moon and planets.If ...
I have seen many documentaries about the Apollo Missions, but I have never seen such a well thought out and detailed documentary that tells the history of the events leading up to the Apollo 11 mission. This podcast discusses the beginning of rocketry to the German scientists before and during...
“We were aware of a new scent in the air of the cabin that clearly came from all the lunar material that had accumulated on and in our clothes.” To him, it was “the scent of wet ashes.” To his Apollo 11 crewmate Buzz Aldrin, it was “the smell in the air aft...
In Platoff's report, she points out that NASA engineers were challenged by the prospect of Apollo astronauts raising a flag on the moon. "They designed a flagpole with a horizontal bar allowing the flag to 'fly' without the benefit of wind to overcome the effects of the moon's lack of...
What impact did the Wilderness Road have on Tennessee? What were the benefits for Spanish America on Humboldt's expedition? How did geography impact Mesoamerica? How did the abolitionists influence the Underground Railroad? How did the westward expansion affect slavery?