安装好ASIO Link Pro Tool后打开软件。把ASIO Driver设置为Duet3。 设置ASIO Link的ASIO Driver 打开你的宿主软件,一般都是Studio One。在这里设置你的音频设备为Link Pro。 把音频设备设置为Link Pro 设备区块大小在不爆音的前提下越低越好 当你设置完后,一般就会弹出来Link Pro的界面了。虽然有点密密麻麻,但是...
一、雖然Avid所編寫的驅動可以讓Apogee品牌的Duet/Quartet作為普通音訊介面在Windows 7 SP1~Windows 8.1系統下正常工作,但其ASIO驅動則是不允許工作的(它們只認AVID掛牌的Duet和Quartet)。至於萬用驅動,筆者分別測試過Steinberg的Generic Low-Latency ASIO Driver和ASIO4ALL:前者會有40ms的固有延遲、而無視用戶具體設定...
安装好ASIO Link Pro Tool后打开软件。把ASIO Driver设置为Duet3。 设置ASIO Link的ASIO Driver 打开你的宿主软件,一般都是Studio One。在这里设置你的音频设备为Link Pro。 把音频设备设置为Link Pro 设备区块大小在不爆音的前提下越低越好 当你设置完后,一般就会弹出来Link Pro的界面了。虽然有点密密麻麻,但是...
名字不清楚,但功能和之前 Duet / Desktop 上面的【ECS 通道条】几乎一样,都有低切、EQ、压缩和 Driver,可能只是换个面板.. 目前所公布的具体参数只有 +75dB 话放增益 不过动态范围大概也能猜到 Apogee 的入门级型号 BOOM 都有 122dB 输入动态、万元级的Desktop 是 124dB (墨产实测) 动态 (文章点击跳转),...
一、雖然Avid所編寫的驅動可以讓Apogee品牌的Duet/Quartet作為普通音訊介面在Windows 7 SP1~Windows 8.1系統下正常工作,但其ASIO驅動則是不允許工作的(它們只認AVID掛牌的Duet和Quartet)。至於萬用驅動,筆者分別測試過Steinberg的Generic Low-Latency ASIO Driver和ASIO4ALL:前者會有40ms的固有延遲、而無視用戶具體設定...
一、雖然Avid所編寫的驅動可以讓Apogee品牌的Duet/Quartet作為普通音訊介面在Windows 7 SP1~Windows 8.1系統下正常工作,但其ASIO驅動則是不允許工作的(它們只認AVID掛牌的Duet和Quartet)。至於萬用驅動,筆者分別測試過Steinberg的Generic Low-Latency ASIO Driver和ASIO4ALL:前者會有40ms的固有延遲、而無視用戶具體設定...
Apogee Duet User's Guide-Ver 2.0 June, 2016 Contents Contents Introduction Package Contents Duet panel tour Getting Started Connecting to your Mac Connecting to your iPad Analog Inputs Analog Outputs MIDI Maestro Software Operation Configuring the Input Configuring the Output Adjusting Input & Output ...
10.6.8 and october driver. I have been forcing imac to sleep and back, rebooting continuously etc, it' never loses it's connection. While I've had no issues with the Duet 2 being recognized with Lion -- none -- I have the same experience with 32 and 64 samples. 32 is never ...
Mac OS: Using Duet with Ableton Live 1) Choose Live > Preferences. Click on the Audio tab. 2) Select CoreAudio in the Driver Type menu. 3) Select Duet in both the Audio Input Device and Audio Output Device menus. 4) Set Buffer Size to 128 5)Close the Preferences window after making...
Many desktop interfaces are designed to be used without any form of software control panel, making all of their functionality controllable in hardware, but that’s not the case with the Duet 3. It’s class compliant, so requires no driver on Mac OS, but top‑panel control is restricted ...