1.Connect Duet’s USB port to a USB port on your Mac using the supplied USB 2 cable. 2.Go to http://www.apogeedigital.com/downloads.php 3.Download the latest Duet software installer. 4.Once you have downloaded the package, double-click the Apogee icon to run the firmware updater....
1.Duet for iPad & Mac . dmg 驱动文件 > 双击 Duet Software Installer.pkg(驱动安装包程序),然后根据安装提示,进行安装即可,安装完成后点击重启电脑的提示,此时你已经完成了 Duet for iPad & Mac 声卡的驱动安装(特别说明:在安装驱动过程中,请先不要连接声卡)...
1,购买BOOM,Duet 3,或Symphony Desktop任意一款声卡后,请拍摄:a)怡同科技保修卡照片,b)声卡上的序列号照片,c)截图网店的购买记录。 2,发邮件到 hello@apogeedigital.com,邮件按以下模板附上购买信息: 🔹邮件标题:Applying for Apogee Software Bundle 🔹 邮件内容: Email Address:您的邮件地址 Product:您购买...
当然如果需要使用Native的方式在DAW里加载这些插件那自然还是需要单独购买的。 另外关于Symphony Desktop满血版的DaulPath Link功能,我们通过上图就可以比较清楚的理解它的工作方式。 首先我们在DAW内使用Apogee FX效果器调制好一个效果参数,但因为声卡和电脑间信号转换带来的不可避免的延迟问题,所以在单纯使用DAW内Native...
Unique hardware-software integration with Apple Logic Pro X gives you an incredibly streamlined workflow Shop Now Apogee Duet 3 Legendary Sound Quality, Total Portability and Hardware DSP Armed with top-quality AD/DA and digital clocking, pristine analog circuitry, and hardware DSP, the Apogee Duet...
2024新年伊始,Apogee就给国内用户带来好消息,从2月26日至3月17日期间,凡购买BOOM,Duet 3,或Symphony Desktop任意一款声卡,即可获得Apogee独家插件套装。直观的控制界面,出色的声音品质,Apogee插件可让您的作品更加专业并脱颖而出。 BOOM赠送插件 Mod FX Bundle,Clearmountain's Spaces,ECS Channel Strip,Melodyne 5 ...
Maestro: Apogee Duet Software Also included in the package is a CD with the Apogee Duet software called Maestro. This provides control of the Duet settings, configurations, and low-latency mixing options. This is where you set your Input levels, select +48V phantom power or phase reversal, gr...
1. 连接你的 Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac 声卡,此时如果你声卡的固件与所支持的Apogee software不匹配的话,你将会看到一个自动弹出的对话框,提示你前往电脑的 应用程序 > 实用工具 ,对你的声卡进行固件升级,此时我们先此对话框选择“好” (若你连接完 Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac 声卡后,并无此对话框弹出...
Software Setup Mac OS: Using Duet with Logic Mac OS: Using Duet with Avid Pro Tools Mac OS: Using Duet with Ableton Live Using Duet with iOS Apps Troubleshooting Additional Support Duet Specifications Warranty & Notifications Apogee Duet User's Guide Page 1 Apogee Duet User's Guide Introduction...
1 Independent 1/4” stereo headphone output Legendary Apogee sound quality Designed in California - Made in the U.S.A. Please note: Duet for iPad & Mac is a new product that has special circuitry for connecting to iOS devices. The previous generation of this product, "Duet 2", does not...