1.Connect Duet’s USB port to a USB port on your Mac using the supplied USB 2 cable. 2.Go to http://www.apogeedigital.com/downloads.php 3.Download the latest Duet software installer. 4.Once you have downloaded the package, double-click the Apogee icon to run the firmware updater....
Apogee Duet Dock XLR: 2 entradas XLR balanceadas TRS: 2 saídas de nível de linha TRS de 1/4 "(+4) com controle de monitor selecionável Auscultador: 1x 1/4 "saída de auscultador estéreo não balanceada com configuração de zero ohm ...
Software Setup Mac OS: Using Duet with Logic Mac OS: Using Duet with Avid Pro Tools Mac OS: Using Duet with Ableton Live Using Duet with iOS Apps Troubleshooting Additional Support Duet Specifications Warranty & Notifications Apogee Duet User's Guide Page 1 Apogee Duet User's Guide Introduction...
Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac Apogee Quartet for iPad & Mac Highlights Record multiple takes and navigate easily between them Mono or stereo audio recording up to 96kHz/24-bit resolution Effortless media organization of field audio recordings
2024新年伊始,Apogee就给国内用户带来好消息,从2月26日至3月17日期间,凡购买BOOM,Duet 3,或Symphony Desktop任意一款声卡,即可获得Apogee独家插件套装。直观的控制界面,出色的声音品质,Apogee插件可让您的作品更加专业并脱颖而出。 BOOM赠送插件 Mod FX Bundle,Clearmountains Spaces,ECS Channel Strip,Melodyne 5 Ess...
1. 连接你的 Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac 声卡,此时如果你声卡的固件与所支持的Apogee software不匹配的话,你将会看到一个自动弹出的对话框,提示你前往电脑的 应用程序 > 实用工具 ,对你的声卡进行固件升级,此时我们先此对话框选择“好” (若你连接完 Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac 声卡后,并无此对话框弹出...
Maestro: Apogee Duet Software Also included in the package is a CD with the Apogee Duet software called Maestro. This provides control of the Duet settings, configurations, and low-latency mixing options. This is where you set your Input levels, select +48V phantom power or phase reversal, gr...
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Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac Apogee Quartet for iPad & Mac ApogeeMetaRecorder 2.0版更新,MetaRecorder 是适用于 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 的2 通道录音应用,它提供了直观的多任务录音,标签和文件组织功能,适合于各种外景录音。2.0 版本增加了对新的 Timecode Systems 的 UltraSync BLUE 模块的支持,并兼容新的...
Maestro software lets you micro control the interface and your signal. Duet is the first two-channel audio interface with control functions built directly into Apple's Logic Pro, Soundtrack Pro and GarageBand. If you want to use Duet with another audio application on your Mac, Maestro lets you...