Is Duet 3 USB Class-Compliant? Can you run other plugins (like reverb) on Duet’s DSP? What is the difference between Apogee Duet 2 and Duet 3? Testimonials “I’m a long-time Apogee user. I’ve had every Duet. The build quality with Apogee is really what you pay for. The inc...
What is the difference between Apogee Duet 2 and Duet 3? Testimonials “I’m a long-time Apogee user. I’ve had every Duet. The build quality with Apogee is really what you pay for. The incredible sound, the technology, the sleek design – it’s really an amazing unit. What I love...
Is Duet 3 USB Class-Compliant? Can you run other plugins (like reverb) on Duet’s DSP? What is the difference between Apogee Duet 2 and Duet 3? Testimonials “I’m a long-time Apogee user. I’ve had every Duet. The build quality with Apogee is really what you pay for. The inc...
Yes, the Apogee Duet 3 is compatible with Apple Silicon Macs. Does Duet 3 require external power? Computers with USB Type C ports supporting USB 3.0 and up should deliver enough bus power to operate the Duet 3. On computers with USB Type-A ports (USB 1 and 2), there could be scenario...
1,购买Duet 3套装后,请拍摄:a)怡同科技保修卡照片,b)声卡上的序列号照片,c)截图网店的购买记录。 2,发邮件到,邮件按以下模板附上购买信息: 🔹 邮件标题:Applying for Apogee Software Bundle 🔹 邮件内容: Email Address: 您的邮件地址 Product:Duet 3 LE Dealer Name:Yeaht...
進行錄製時最討厭的就是聲音延遲帶來的不順感,因此 Duet 附有硬體的數位聲音訊號處理技術來即時運算效果,讓您在套用各種設定時還能保持極低的聲音延遲。Apogee Control 2 Software∎ Apogee Duet 3 特色 Best-in-class Apogee conversion and mic preamps ...
2024新年伊始,Apogee就给国内用户带来好消息,从2月26日至3月17日期间,凡购买BOOM,Duet 3,或Symphony Desktop任意一款声卡,即可获得Apogee独家插件套装。直观的控制界面,出色的声音品质,Apogee插件可让您的作品更加专业并脱颖而出。 BOOM赠送插件 Mod FX Bundle,Clearmountains Spaces,ECS Channel Strip,Melodyne 5 Ess...
ApogeeControl2-DSP-macOS:经本人测试,在Mac OS 13.X中可同时驱动 Duet 3、Boom、Duet2(2013),Duet2(2011)。 ApogeeControl2-macOS.dmg:经测试可以在Mac OS 10.13之后的系统中驱动Duet2(2013),Duet2(2011)。 Duet2 For Mac(2011版):不能使用Mac的音量控制调整声卡的output输出音量。在logic pro x中会显示...
我们很高兴宣布:iOS版本的Apogee Control 2 软件正式发布。Apogee新款USB音频接口 Duet 3将与Apple iOS 设备完美整合。使用 iPad Pro、iPad或iPhone与GarageBand或您其他录音应用程序,随时随地轻松录制和混音您的音乐工程。 Duet 3 搭配您的 iOS 设备,为音乐制作、播客录制或任何需要高质量音频处理的内容创作提供终极移...
it can sometimes be made available to DAW software to run plug‑ins at mixdown. In the Duet 3, however, the onboard DSP is referred to as Print FX, and as that name suggests, it can be used only in the record path. In other words, if you activate the DSP, it will always be ...