Duet 3的确是这样的产品。它的设计风格是独特的,至少在你选配底座之前。 然而,与上代产品相比,Duet 3在一些方面也有不足之处。我已经提到了较窄的增益范围和去掉的触碰按钮(这让Duet 3在监听控制方面的能力变弱了)。另一个限制是在iOS的兼容性上。现在,Duet 3可以在iOS设备上工作,但唯一可以使用的控制只有机...
To find out more about the Duet 3,take a look at our reviewfrom the April 2022 issue of SOS. Pricing & Availability The Duet 3 Limited Edition Set is available now exclusively at Guitar Center in the US, and from select stores worldwide. It is priced at $699, compared to $1473 if ...
代理嘛说机器保准没问题,反正难退的唉The Apogee Duet 3 is PLAGUED WITH PROBLEMS | Unboxing & Rev...
The remaining plug‑ins in the Symphony Desktop’s catalogue, which are described in the box elsewhere in this article, can all be deployed in either of the other two contexts: as Print FX or as Monitor FX. As on the Duet 3, Print FX processing is in the record path; Monitor FX, ...
The Apogee Duet Break Out Cable Duet features a stereo 1/4″ headphone jack on the front, which is where you plug in your headphones. While you could connect your speakers to this jack (via a 1/4″ Y-cable), Apogee provides a custom breakout cable that connects to the I/O (In and...
Recently, I had the opportunity to review Apogee’s Duet 3 [Tape Op#150] interface. Like the Duet,BOOMis a class-compliant interface, but the Apogee Control 2 software [#149] should be installed for total desktop DAW integration.BOOMalso features onboard DSP for tracking with the included ...
Experienced Apogee customers will be glad to have the latest update of theApogee Control 2application (for Symphony Desktop, Duet 3, and legacy USB products), which is performing well, even on my Mac with OS 10.13.6 High Sierra – one generation behind the recommended baseline of OS 10.14....
Apogee Duet http://www.apogeedigital.com/products/duet.php Locus Design Cables http://www.locus-design.com/ Amarra http://www.sonicstudio.com/amarra/faq.html I am sitting at my desk now finalizing this review listening to "Trinity Revisited"—a must have—by Cowboy Junkies going through ...
Compared to professional gear like Apogee's own Duet 2, this Groove is much smaller and has flatter frequency response.The Apogee One has even flatter frequency response and more power output into 32 Ω, but it's bigger and more expensive. The One also can play, with two AA cells, ...