API提供了联动支付平台完整的接口说明,商户可根据自身技术和平台选择接入。 1. 账户通 账户通产品为商户提供了一个账户管理的接口平台,通过账户通的账户管理,可以把您与子商户的账户联系起来,产生主商户和许多子商户的对应关系,只有通过账户管理添加了子商户才能做后续的分账交易。 1.1 介绍 账户管理是账户通的一...
会接收2个参数:error(抛出的错误)、info(带有componentStack key对象,其中包含有关组件引发错误的栈信息) 6:其他的API 不同于上述生命周期方法,只有2个方法:setState( )和forceUpdate( ) setState( )更新this.state forceUpdate( ) 强制让组件重新渲染 调用forceUpdate()将致使组件调用render()方法,此操作会跳过该...
1 Cloud Service Engine API Reference 1 Before You Start resources. It can be used to reset user passwords and grant user permissions. The account is a payment entity and should not be used directly to perform routine management. For security purposes, create Identity and Access Management (IAM...
{…} Events [beta] We have recently added two events to the standalone CDN build only. scalar:reload-references Reload the references, this will re-mount the app in case you have switched pages or the dom elements have been removed. document.dispatchEvent(newEvent('scalar:reload-references...
API Reference Namespaces NamespaceDescription Newtonsoft.Json Newtonsoft.Json.Converters Newtonsoft.Json.Linq Newtonsoft.Json.Schema TheNewtonsoft.Json.Schemanamespace provides classes that are used to implement JSON schema. Newtonsoft.Json.Schema.Generation...
API API参考(API Reference) applyMiddleware() bindActionCreators() combineReducers() compose() createStore() 存储(Store) ReduxAPIAPI参考(API Reference) 贡献者 3人 Redux API 表面很小。Redux 定义了一系列供您实施的契约(例如 reducer),并提供了一些帮助器函数来将这些契约捆绑在一起。
GET/POST /auth/token/security/create 描述:generate access_token safely for call api 参数 名称 类型 是否必须 描述 code String 是 oauth code, get from app callback URL uuid String 否 uuid 响应参数 名称 类型 描述 expires_in Number The expiring time of the access token, in seconds ...
API reference,Intelligent Speech Interaction:You can use the recording file recognition service to recognize recording files. However, the service does not recognize recording files in real time. In addition, to recognize a recording file, you m...
API reference,Intelligent Speech Interaction:The real-time speech recognition service recognizes speech data streams that last for a long time. The service applies to scenarios where uninterrupted speech recognition is required, such as conferen...
API Reference Access Governance Cp Adm Ai Anomaly Detection Ai Document Ai Language Ai Speech Ai Vision Analytics Announcements Service Apigateway Apm Config Apm Control Plane Apm Synthetics Apm Traces Appmgmt Control Artifacts Audit Autoscaling Bastion Bds Blockchain Budget Capacity Management Certificates...