API DESIGN FOR C++ === This package contains the C++ source code examples from the book "API Design for C++" by Martin Reddy. The authoritative location for this package ishttp://APIBook.com/. See that website for more details. Build System --- The 'cmake' cross-platform build system...
LivingSocial API Design Guide. Contribute to rmitula/api-design development by creating an account on GitHub.
0.10.23 https://github.com/Azure/data-api-builder/releases/download/v0.10.23/dab.draft.schema.json Uses the configuration schema for a stable release of the tool. Latest https://github.com/Azure/data-api-builder/releases/latest/download/dab.draft.schema.json Uses the latest version of the ...
「闪送」采用O2O的商业模式,通过APP和微信公众号等平台连接客户和配送员,实现线上下单、线下配送的全流程服务。利用「高德开放平台」订单管理、智能调度、多场景路径规划能力,实现快速配送 「神州专车」采用专业车辆,专业司机的B2C运营模式,和「高德开放平台」一起利用移动互联网及大数据技术,为客户提供随时随地,专人专...
Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Node.js:GitHubGitee Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for .NET:GitHubGitee Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for C++:GitHubGitee Tencent Cloud SDK 3.0 for Ruby:GitHubGitee 命令行工具 Tencent Cloud CLI 3.0 6. 错误码 该接口暂无业务逻辑相关的错误码,其他错误码详见公共错误码。
GitHub Utils (Independent Publisher) GitLab (Independent Publisher) Givebutter (Independent Publisher) GlobalGiving Project (Independent Publisher) Gmail GMO Sign GoFileRoom Google BigQuery - Dev (Independent Publisher) Google Books (Independent Publisher) Google Calendar Google Cloud Translation (Independent...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/getinsomnia/insomnia develop 克隆/下载 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支70 标签1050 贡献代码 同步代码 hexchainchore: also build appimage for arm64 linux...b7e95...
githubhttps://github.com/FuAdmin/fu-admin 码云https://gitee.com/fuadmin/fu-admin 内置功能 👨⚕️ 菜单管理:配置系统菜单,操作权限,按钮权限标识、后端接口权限等。 🧑⚕️ 部门管理:配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、角色)。 👩⚕️ 角色管理:角色菜单权限分配、数据权限分配、设置角...
GitHub* Intel Repository Intel XeSS Code Samples Following are descriptions and links to samples that may also be of interest to developers targeting current Intel® systems. Dynamic Resolution Rendering DRRis an algorithm that aims to increase and smoothen game performance by trying to keep a fixe...
GitHub starred public-apis/public-apis⭐: 321258 ⌨️: Pythonapiapisdatasetdevelopmentfreelistlistsopen-sourcepublicpublic-apipublic-apisresourcessoftware 这个项目是一个公开的API列表,收集了各种各样的免费开放API供开发者使用,包括了各种领域的API,如动物、医学、天气、社交、游戏等。这个项目方便开发人员...