API Design for C++, Second Editionprovides a comprehensive discussion of Application Programming Interface (API) development, from initial design through implementation, testing, documentation, release, versioning, maintenance, and deprecation. It is the only book that teaches the strategies of C++ API d...
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Write a documentation comment for every declaration. Insights gained by writing documentation can have a profound impact on your design, so don't put it off. 将编写文档注释的工作落实到每一个声明中。编写文档注释可以加深对代码理解,从而对你的设计产生深远的影响,所以不要偷懒。 If you are having tr...
API Design for C++ by Martin Reddy. The design of application programming interfaces can affect the behavior, capabilities, stability, and ease of use of end-user applications. With this
UI设计套件(UI Design) 怎么获取layeredDrawableDescriptor对象信息? 业务场景与解决方案 多设备场景 手表/手环(Wear Engine) 如果工程已有APP ID,是否需要重新申请,填写新的APP ID 没有弹出用户授权界面 接口调用时返回App has not applied for the Wear Engine service错误信息 打开HR传感器后,没有立刻...
UI设计套件(UI Design) 怎么获取layeredDrawableDescriptor对象信息? 业务场景与解决方案 多设备场景 手表/手环(Wear Engine) 如果工程已有APP ID,是否需要重新申请,填写新的APP ID 没有弹出用户授权界面 接口调用时返回App has not applied for the Wear Engine service错误信息 打开HR传感器后,没有立刻...
Minimum requirements are specified for the design, material selection, manufacture, testing, marking, and packaging of flexible pipes, with reference to existing codes and standards where applicable. See API 17B for guidelines on the use of flexible pipes. API 17J applies to unbonded flexible pipe...
textSelectedColor="0x2B333C"Eventschange="No default" close="No default" dataChange="No default" enter="No default" itemRollOut="No default" itemRollOver="No default" open="No default" scroll="No default" /> 默认MXML 属性dataProvider ...
要创建在手机设备中使用的自定义项呈示器,Adobe 建议您创建扩展该类的新 ActionScript 项呈示器。
If not provided (set to null), default one is used for the production API /// endpoint ("https://api.store.microsoft.com/.default") /// public string Scope { get; set; } /// /// Partner Center Application ID. /// Example: 3e31a9f9-84e8-4d2d-9eba-487878d02ebf /// ...