• CommonAPI C++ is divided up in a middleware-independent part (CommonAPI Core) and in a middleware-specific part(CommonAPI Binding). • CommonAPI uses the interface description language FrancaIDL for the specification of interfaces (logical interface specifica-tion). Code generation from Franc...
Common Methods Web Service Automating API request construction is commonly done by an IT specialist at your organization, as this process requires the implementation of custom code. In some cases though, you can use a Qualtrics survey to automate instead of custom code. The steps below demonstrate...
IntelliCode API usage examples enables you to browse open-source code examples of 100k common APIs. These code snippets represent real-world usage examples that are sourced in public GitHub repositories. Now you have these examples under your fingertips. When you hover over a known API, the docum...
importcom.aliyuncs.CommonRequest;importcom.aliyuncs.CommonResponse;importcom.aliyuncs.DefaultAcsClient;importcom.aliyuncs.IAcsClient;importcom.aliyuncs.exceptions.ClientException;importcom.aliyuncs.exceptions.ServerException;importcom.aliyuncs.profile.DefaultProfile;publicclassSample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)...
var gameTelemetry = new applicationInsights.TelemetryClient(); gameTelemetry.commonProperties["Game"] = currentGame.Name; gameTelemetry.TrackEvent({name: "WinGame"}); Individual telemetry calls can override the default values in their property dictionaries.For...
BatchJobDefinition is a common Tooling API object that is shared between Data Processing Engine and Batch Management.
Authorization URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize Scopes Expand table NameDescription user_impersonation impersonate your user account Examples Get Web App Sample request HTTP Java Python Go JavaScript dotnet HTTP Copy GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/34adfa...
The$.ajax()function underlies all Ajax requests sent by jQuery. It is often unnecessary to directly call this function, as several higher-level alternatives like$.get()and.load()are available and are easier to use. If less common options are required, though,$.ajax()can be used more flexi...
对话补全接口,与openai的chat-completions-api兼容。 POST /v1/chat/completions header 需要设置 Authorization 头部: Authorization: Bearer [refresh_token] 请求数据: {// 模型名称随意填写,如果不希望输出检索过程模型名称请包含silent_search"model":"kimi","messages": [ {"role":"user","content":"测试"}...