Widgetbuild(BuildContext context){///设置 Config.DEBUG 的静态变量Config.DEBUG=this.config.debug;print("ConfigWrapper build ${Config.DEBUG}");returnnew_InheritedConfig(config:this.config,child:this.child);}staticEnvConfigof(BuildContext context){final _InheritedConfig inheritedConfig=context.dependOnInh...
BENCH: remove triple run of mmread/mmwrite benchmark, limit sizes Feb 25, 2025 doc DOC: PRIMA licence and reference fix (#22738) Mar 26, 2025 requirements TST: special: remove test skips due to array-api-strict#131 (#22740) Mar 27, 2025 ...
ArkUI-X扩展ArkUI开发框架到多个OS平台, 让开发者基于一套主代码, 就可以构建支持多平台的精美、高性能应用。The ArkUI-X project extends the ArkUI framework to multiple OS platforms. This enables developers to use one main set of code to develop applications for multiple OS platforms. ...
Due to the OpenAPI v3.0 and JSON Schema discrepancy, you can use this JS library to convert OpenAPI Schema objects to proper JSON Schema. - openapi-schema-to-json-schema/yarn.lock at main · openapi-contrib/openapi-schema-to-json-schema
in this integration, please use the cancel to reverse a transaction, and the interface name is: alipay.acquire.cancel. for a transaction that has been successfully paid, the cancel is able to refund the transaction within the transaction day (gmt+8). comparing with the refund service, if a...
The Async Main makes the asynchronous operations in the entrypoint method easier to use, without any workaround, like it runs in other async methods. In the compiler time, Any async Main method will be wrapped as a non-async Main method that can be accepted by the CLR Host. Since this ...
<script> import { ref } from 'vue' import { useStore } from 'vuex' // vue3的 Composition API 的含义 const testManage = () => { const value = ref ('你好,世界') const click = () => { value.value = '好的,收到' + new Date().valueOf() } return { value, click } } exp...
With Linux, you must install a separate bootloader to run any distribution. There are two main options: GRUB and LOAD LINux (LOADLIN). LOADLIN is better if there are multiple OSes throughout the data center or you don't spend a ton of time using Linux. You can use GRUB if you like ...
Installation | Documents | Quick Start | API Docs | Release Notes ⚡️FastDeploy is an Easy-to-use and High Performance AI model deployment toolkit for Cloud, Mobile and Edge with 📦out-of-the-box and unified experience, 🔚end-to-end optimization for over 🔥160+ Text, Vision, ...
【重制中 Repairing】短信轰炸 / 短信测压 | 一个健壮免费的python短信轰炸程序,专门炸坏蛋蛋,百万接口,多线程全自动添加有效接口,支持异步协程百万并发,全免费的短信轰炸工具! - SMSBoom/api.json at main · u10k/SMSBoom