design and development exclusions under the API Monogram Program. Since June 15, 2003 (publication date of API Spec Q1, 7th Edition), API has allowed design and development exclusions for certain applications. Organizations eligible for excluding design and development (API Spec Q1, 8th Edition, ...
The last change, from the 7th to the 8th edition, which was finalised in August 1995, was more radical than usual. It included a major revision in the section on mechanical seals which now defaults to the new API 682 standard “Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps”, ...
最新Java 8 中文版 api手册,Java 8 中文版 chm在线版浏览,Java 8 中文版在线中文参考手册,Java 8 中文版开发文档
摘要: API SPEC Q1《石油、石化和天然气工业质量纲要规范》是API标准中一项重要的技术政策性标准,通用于API的所有产品规范。API Q1第8版于2007年12月发布,2008年6月15日生效。2008年6月15日以后对申请会标公司质量管理体系的审核,将按API Q1第8版的要求进行。关键词:...
文章编号: 1001- 3938( 2010) 02- 0070- 05Analysis and Application ofAPIQ1 8th Edition and Standard of ISO9001: 2008YU Chang?chun1 , WANG... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:5 | 浏览次数:29 | 上传日期:2020-08-12 18:15:13 | 文档星级: ...
2009标准是等同采用美国石油学会APISPEC7F-2003《油田链条与链轮》(第7版,英文版)而起草制定的,但美国石油学会已在2010年对APISPEC 7F-2003标准进行了修订、并于2011年5月发布了新版(第8版)标准“APISPEC7F-2010 OilFieldChainandSprockets-EighthEdition”,2013年5月又发布了“APISPEC 7F-2010,8thEdition/Errata(...
《质量纲要规范》第8版和 ISO9001:2008(质量管理体系一要求》标准的主 要 内容和修订情况进行了系统分析,并对其实际应用提出了一些建议。 关键词:APIQ1;ISO9001;质量管理体系 、 中图分类号:T一651 文献标志码 :B 文章编号:1001—3938(2010)02—0070—05 AnalysisandApplicationofAPIQl8thEditionandStandardofISO...
Colour Chart (Fourth Edition) provided by The Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain. Tree: Size: Generally.—Considered large as compared to other common commercial nectarine cultivars. The tree size the first year was approximately 280 cm. The tree was pruned during each following ...
其 中叙述 了几种推荐 的不 同于 ANSI— NACETM0284--2003附录C的滴定程序 。 [1]APISPEC5CT:8thEdition--2005,Specificationfor CasingandTubing[S]. [21APISPEC5CT:9thEdition--2011,Specificationofr 2 结语 CasingandTubing[S]. [3]0RLANSBJ,PELLICANIFA,GUNTZGC,eta1.De velopmentofCl10GradeforSour...
Ben Brown has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral ...