public abstract ApiVersionSetsGetEntityTagResponse getEntityTagWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String serviceName, String versionSetId, Context context) 获取实体状态 (Etag) 由其标识符指定的 Api 版本集的版本。 Parameters: resourceGroupName - 资源组的名称。 此名称不区分大小写。 serviceName - ...
StorageEditionCapability StorageMbCapability VcoreCapability VirtualNetworkSubnetUsageParameter VirtualNetworkSubnetUsageResult Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PostgreSql.Runtime Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PostgreSql.Runtime.Json Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PostgreSql.Runtime.PowerShell...
Dungeons and Dragons Reference for 5th edition spells, classes, monsters, and more No No No Dungeons and Dragons (Alternate) Includes all monsters and spells from the SRD (System Reference Document) as well as a search API No Yes Yes Eve Online Third-Party Developer Documentation OAuth Yes Unk...
Foxit PDF Reader (2023); Windows 7 games; Windows 7 Paint; Windows 7 Wordpad; Native applications from Windows Vista; Spotify for Windows 7 and for Windows 10; Line; Zoom; Node 10.24; Telegram Desktop; Winrar 7.0 (latest); Postman; ...
UnsupportedUserEditionException表示您正在呼叫 Amazon 上的操作 QuickSight訂閱 (其版本不包括對該操作的支援)。亞馬遜 QuickSight 目前包含 Standard Edition (標準版) 和企業版 不是每個版本都會提供所有操作和功能。 常見的用戶端錯誤原因 可能會有數種原因導致您在執行請求時遇到錯誤。遵循這些準則,就可避免或輕易解...
aws comprehend classify-document \ --endpoint-arn arn:aws:comprehend:region:account-id:endpoint/endpoint name\ --text 'From the Tuesday, April 16th, 1912 edition of The Guardian newspaper: The maiden voyage of the White Star liner Titanic, the largest ship ever launched ended in disaster. The...
Get URLs of pages opened in MS-Edge Browser is not working in Windows 10 Home Edition(Upgraded from Windows 8.1) using C# Get user by UserPrincipalName get user groups leads to error The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist. Get User Profile Folder For Different User...
{ "ComputerName": string, "OsEdition": string, "OsEditionId": int, "OsVersion": string, "Platform": string } Status codeThis API has the following expected status codes.Expand table HTTP status codeDescription 200 OK 4XX Error codes 5XX Error codesAvailable...
based mail and messaging applications. The JavaMail API is implemented as a Java platform optional package and is also available as part of the Java 2 platform, Enterprise Edition. Sun provides a royalty-free reference implementation, in binary form, that developers will be able to use and ship...
This parameter should be URL-encoded Response format Property deletedRecords Type array earliestDateAvailable String latestDateCovered String Description Array of deleted records that satisfy the start and end dates specified in the request. Each entry contains the record ID and the date and time the...