Recent data, however, point to a number of aphasic symptoms in children more varied than previously thought and also often organized as in adult aphasias. In practice, this means that rehabilitation methods proven effective in adults could be used in children. Moreover, on a theoretical level,...
found in adult patients, the latter being described as a breakdown of the perfected speech process in later life.The author alludes to the need for evaluation into other presenting symptoms besides language production but never comes out with a clear protocol of how to assess the total child....
V Toso,M Moschini,G Gagnin,D Antoni 摘要: Described by Landau and Kleffner in 1957, acquired aphasia in children is characterised by 2 major symptoms: language disorders and EEG abnormalities and the minor symptoms of epileptic seizures and behavioural disturbances. Our personal experience of 3 ...
The external include arm apraxia and expressive aphasia.[4] In distal occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery, the clinical, picture differs slightly with symptoms including contralateral upper and lower extremity weakness, contralateral sensory loss in the foot and motor and/or sensory aphasia.[4,...
currently the dominant term. Aphasia can co-exist with dysarthria and articulatory dyspraxia. Aphasia is usually a chronic disorder, although spontaneous recovery is usually apparent for some months after the stroke. The main symptoms of aphasia and their effects on communication are shown inTable 15....
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After remission of the global aphasic symptoms in the acute phase, an adynamic output disorder with relatively severe auditory–verbal comprehension disturbances developed. In addition to the adynamia of self-generated speech, formal language investigations performed 3 weeks postonset, revealed agrammat...
Rather it suggests an association of independent symptoms with a specific language disorder becoming manifest in the course of the evolution. This child shows many of the main characteristics of the syndromes of "acquired aphasia with convulsive disorder" (Landau-Kleffner syndrome) and "epilepsy with...
Categorization Historically, aphasia has been classified according to the region of the brain that is affected and the symptoms that are displayed. For example, damage to what is considered “Broca’s area,” the region anterior to the rolandic fissure, often results in a nonfluent form......
The time of evaluation of the patient is therefore important in the syndrome diagnosis. Patients with slowly growing tumors may have mild aphasia because the lesions grow slowly, allowing adjacent tissues to compensate for functional deficits. In patients with severe congenital abnormalities, symptoms ...