Background Although primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is characterized by progressive loss of language and communication skills, knowledge about the earliest emerging signs announcing the onset of this condition is limited. Aims To explore spousal recollections regarding the earliest signs of PPA and to...
EAExamining for Aphasia EAEmergency/Enforcement Action EAEigenmächtig Abwesend(German) EAEquilibrated Aggregate(interplanetary dust particle) EAEnginering Analysis EAEngineering Aide/Assistance EAEpileptic Arousal Reaction(neurology) EAEskilstuna, City, Sweden ...
Patients with EOAD can present with a variety of clinical signs, symptoms, and syndromes that do not always resemble the typical amnestic syndrome most often described in LOAD. EOAD is associated with less salient memory deficits and greater likelihood of impairment of other functions, including la...
2 days after admission, the patient rapidly became increasingly encephalopathic; she developed aphasia, atactic movements, and fluctuating vigilance resulting in a state of unresponsive wakefulness syndrome on day 16 after admission. 入院2天后,患者的脑病迅速加重; 入院第 16 天,她出现失语症、运动不规...
【关键词】 癫痫;手术;早期康复【中图分类号】 R49;R742.1 【DOI】 10.3870/zgkf.2014.03.008 Earlyrehabilitationinterventiononpatientsafterepilepsysurgery YANGYuan‐bin,NIDuan‐yu,HUYong‐sheng,etal.DepartmentofRehabilitationMedicine,XuanwuHospitalofCapitalMedicalUniversity,Beijing100053,China【Abstract】 Objective...
These include demographics (age, gender), type of stroke, time post stroke, hemiplegic side, somato-sensory deficits (yes/no), homonymous hemian- opia (yes/no), visuo-spatial neglect (yes/no), aphasia (yes/no) and comorbidity following the Cumulative Ill- ness Rating Scale (CIRS) [37]...
PRINCALS first factor explained 48% of variance. The OLD added to the GP opinion (McNemar p = 0.00). Reliability short version 0.89 (interviewed group), 0.86 (total group). Conclusions:The OLD is a valid and reliable method to detect early signs of dementia in general practice that can ...
There have been very few systematic studies of the early symptoms of clinical phenotypes: behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA). Clinical subtypes and the patterns of atrophy reflect protein゛ccumulation patterns, but the relationship ...
Significant neurological improvement was observed immediately after extubation, with a postprocedure NIHSS of 2. Twelve hours later, she abruptly developed global aphasia, right-sided weakness, and right hemianopia; her NIHSS declined to 14. An urgent cranial CT study revealed hypodensity in the ...
In patients with speech-dominant hemispheric infarction (n511), only mild to moderate aphasia was present. The mean BI score was 65, and RS score revealed severe handicap in 13% of the patients. In 31 patients with early decompressive surgery, mortality was 16% and BI score 68.8. Early ...