Apex Legends steam stats 43,724Current ▼0 43,724 Maximum today624,473 Maximum lifetimeSteam players - over the last 7 days, 5mins stepChart Chart with 2015 data points. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Steam Players. Data ranges from ...
Steam players - over the last 7 days, 5mins step59,433 Current ▼0 138,788 Maximum today 624,473 Maximum lifetimeChart Chart with 2013 data points. The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories. The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Steam Players. Data ranges from 29696 to 161987. Steam ...
Drop into a realm of legends and heroes with Apex Legends statistics. Track legends' popularity and the game's global impact.
而新王《apex英雄》能在强敌环伺中笑到最后,成为如《英雄联盟》、《CS:GO》一般的电竞常青树吗? 《PUBG》发行以来同时在线玩家数走势(数据来源:steamchart) 元素融合,玩法多元 《apex英雄》由EA旗下的Respawn工作室出品,而Respawn团队成员均来自曾经出品过《使命召唤:现代战争2》的Infinity Ward。有了高规格的游戏...
Respawn says it aims to "crack down on cheating" in Apex Legends. "Playing against cheaters sucks," the devs add, and outlined some plans of how it will work towards this goal.
想要将steam上下载的Apex Legends转移到EA游戏库中,需要使用EA的“随身份而变计划”服务。具体步骤是:使用EA账号登中嫌指录官方网站→点... ea能读取steam的apex吗 能。steam的apex和ea的数据是互通的。玩家在steam平台绑定EA账号后就可以直接启动,不必再通过橘子平台。也就是说,玩家只需要在其中一个... chart...